List of all the set up for the unblockable

Maybe depeding on the character read the above post and it should give u an idea of what i mean. But as soon as col aaa hits a character u can get right into super if u anticipate it connecting because since there is a big pause when he connects and the slow down for the activation of the super it should connect especially if they are close now full screen is a different story.

start loosing then your unblockable is guaranteed. so many times i see someone loosing with sent about to die char comes in unblcokable death, next char comes in unblockable death.

when you’re about to die the unblcokable has 100% hit rate

haha sigley , I wish that’s true when i play against sanford because I will start losing after 10 seconds

Too good

IS THIS ACTUALLY TRUE??? I noticed i tend to nail the unblockable when im low on health. If so y would the game do this… For example when ur low on health ur defense goes up… is it possible that sents laser becomes 2 hits instead of being random 1 or 2 hits? This guys gotta be fucking around.

wakeup ub setups are a lot more reliable than drop down setups, right? or does it depend?

I think so. I think that corner wakeup unblockable setups are hella good for killing off someone fast. So I normally tend to go for them whenever I can, and also, if you mess up, you can just go into drones and cover yourself.

I think with the falling setups, I tend to think about em with “you better know that you are going to hit it”, because if the person knows that you’re going to try and unblockable them, you could be in for some pain if you mess up the timing.

All in all I think corner setups are great, however, if you can condition an opponent not to expect a falling unblockable, then by all means, try to. It’s is worth it if it means beating them that much faster.

i know a friend of mine has it good, and what he ends up doing is usually snapping out any character that can avoid it and just immediately take 1-2 characters out of my team… eg, if he kills magneto in msp, he’ll get a hit on storm, rp, hsf, dash, snap, kill psylocke, now his team is going to beat the shit out of my storm… lol

he uses a weird team IMO though…

sentinel / juggernaut / tron… very little assist on sentinel, but don’t let him get an RP… rp, hsf, glitched head crush = ggpo

other than that, i don’t like fall-ins, because there’s too many ways to get out of it… there’s double jumps, air projectiles, air dashing, floating, flying… imagine stomebody trying to get it on sentinel? they’re throwing a useless spit that gives them 5% meter and you proceed to stomp them like a soda can… yeah, i did that and sanford made me pay… the good old days when mvc2 was an illusion…

EDIT: my first team 4 years ago is the same team that you have in your avatar… lol

i believe that he was joking around…

my favorite unblockable set up is basic but it suits me just fine…

I like to use team watts with the cyclops assist every now and then so…

in corner (can be done out of corner you just do the cr.HP a lil sooner) rp, hsf, hp+cyclops, flight and immediate cancel flight, c.HP (unblockable), rp, hsf

the time it takes me to HP, flight - cancel flight, c.HP is just the right timing for the c.HP to be unblockable

Justin Wong used this unblockable setup against Yipes at NEC, but I don’t think he flew/unflew after the s.hp+Cyclops.

I know the one you’re talking about
it’s not the same as the one I do
he HPs (without the assist), cancels to fly and lk + cyclops, lk, unfly, cr.HP (unblockable)

the only difference is the lks connect instead of the cyclops assists the way he does it

you hit the c.hp for that one right before the optic shot hits… and it works…

From the Comboaddictos vid, and one that I do all the time now:

Launch + Storm-a /\ sj. lk, sj. hk, Storm hits, sj. hk, land, unblockable.

When you hit them with Storm’s horiz. typhoon, it is key to hit them with another sj. hk on the way down to recause flying screen to keep them down there. After that, you can unblockable.

Hope this helps.

80% setup with ironman assist. + call assist,, hp rp, hp rp, hsf, launcher, sj, lp, lp, rp, hp, hk, land, backdash, c.hp, rp = 100% death :slight_smile:

fun setup with capcom

(corner, at least for aircombo) blah, HSF, launch, sj.LK xx fly, LK-LK xx RP, HP+capcom (blocked) xx unfly, land, c.HP

sent has to be the right distance from the corner during the fastfly so capcom will be on screen… character has to be a bit higher on the screen than sent after the RP. you can probably do (after the RP) blocked LK-HP+capcom, unfly, c.HP to guarantee they don’t mash you out of the fierce, but who’s gonna mash after getting hit by sent

Working on these with Sent/Doom. I’ve gotten it to work about 3 times.

st. lk + Doom, st. lp(one hit) xx sj. lk, sj. hk.

This gets altered a bit in the corner.

st. lk + Doom, st. lp(one hit) xx sj. lk, sj. hk, Doom hits, sj. hk.

Timing is really, really, really strict on both of these set ups. On both of them, a rock pops them up with you as you are super jumping. Then you slam them back down with the two hits.

Now midscreen you will want to adjust your super jump so that you dash in when they are waking up and time the beam accordingly. For me this is a bit quick. If you don’t, you can just fly right above them, and the rocks will pop them up. As they won’t know which way to block.

In the corner, the sj chain will knock them back down in to the rocks, so you just send them back down with another sj. hk and time.

I"m still working on this, so I’ll edit according.

Mashing after Sent launches in the corner prevents throw resets. :frowning:

Follow up on the corner Sent/Doom reset.

Now it’s:

st./cr. lk + Doom, st. lp xx sj. lk, sj. hk. rocks hit, sj. fp.

This will usually put you at the right distance for a wake up unblockable.

Hope this helps.

pretty beastly

If I set the computer (in training mode) on always-block, then use Zangief assist to grab the guy, then do:

launch, short, medium kick, dragon punch, fierce, roundhouse, land
down fierce

is it even possible to get the unblockable?