Level|Up x Tournament Legacy Present Weds Night Fights @ SRC!

Erosentinel // ssfiv // mvc3

Truckasaurus - MVC3, SSF4
Dantown - MVC3 SSF4

LainySky - SSF4+MvC3 please~

AWSUM mvc3

JWong - SSF4/MVC3

Floe sf4/mvc3

image: mvc/ssf4


Marn/Justin vs WNF MvC3 Exhibition!

Some lucky WNF players will get a chance to play these 2 titans on our live stream broadcast on Feb.16!

Better Practice Up Kids!!

MatrixMatt- MVC3/ T6

As of right now Marn is only playing on the exhibition… he better sign up for singles soon! Spots are filling up quickly!
(12 more open slots)

64 man cap
(WNF Feb. 16th)
Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

  1. Buddha Lover
  2. T-Smoov
  3. wildfireXzero
  4. ETR
  5. IGT
  6. RapperoftheRedKind
  7. Nero Fenix
  8. DreamKilla
  9. FilthySal
  10. Jint
  11. Rotanibor
  12. Solution
  13. Zeppeli
  14. AndyOCR
  15. SheHulktraDavid
  16. azncoffee
  17. OnlineTony
  18. Warren
  19. Taro Rex
  20. ClakeyD
  21. choysauce
  22. Ricky P.
  23. ll.nd
  24. Dime
  25. HALPM3!
  26. RaYzYrbYrn
  27. C2FiL
  28. DJ Divine
  29. Kapwan
  30. Juan
  31. noirtoise
  32. Erosentinel
  33. Truckasaurus
  34. Dantown
  35. LainySky
  36. AWSUM
  37. JWong
  38. Floe
  39. image
  40. Matt Matrix
  41. CaliPower
  42. Hugo101
  43. Jchensor
  44. Rickstah
  45. GalzPanic
  46. Husser_Brian
  47. fuson909
  48. Tronzilla666
  49. shingin (<lol i think we already got you down for streamin =)
  50. Jorge
  51. BloodBurger1
  52. GoBot Gabe

CaliPower:SSF4/MVC3 =P

ok ill sign up for marvel as well. Hugo101- mvc3

jchensor - SSFIV and MvC3

  • James

rickstah - ssf4/mvc3

eff it GalzPanic for Mahvel.

Husser_Brian - MvC3

Shit is on sirs…

sign me up
fuson909 MvC3/SSF4

Tronzilla666- MVC3

shingin mvc3 and streaming