GalzPanic for SSF4, MK9, MvC3. wow!
Not saying its always like this, but it started past 9pm and they were takin sign-ups pretty late for mvc3, so you should be good if you get off that late and get there. just use MSS and you should place top 10.
Sorry, updated my post. Please sign me up for the above listed games.
M Type - mvc3 / super / MK9
Richard Nguyen - SSF4, MvC3, MK9
Thanks for the info.
If anything, I’m just going so I can play against some competition. I’ve only played against 3-4 players total, and everything else has literally been training mode (which I’m sick of by now). Are you going? Where do you guys usually play?
Hey everyone,
We’re going to have a dedicated spot for casual play like we did back at Hollywood Park.(Xbox Only)
We know some of you only play casuals or want to play some games in between tourney matches so this will help =)
Space is limited so first come first serve.
MK Community:
If you can also help out by bringing PS3s with MK’s/Memory stick we’d appreciate it. We’re in the process of buying more systems so this would be temporary.
AH3 Community:
Same goes out to you guys. We can’t D/L AH3 atm because PSN is down =(
Thanks for all your help!
- Valle
I just play at techtrons or striderzer0s house. There really isn’t much competition. The only good players I know are me, fanatiq and Laurence (FFA player) techtron and striderzer0. But ya, its not like old school FFA where you can just show up on a friday night and play someone. This game seems to be “by appointment only” style to get a session going.
Hey Valle,
I can bring a copy of the game on disc, can you provide a set-up for it or are you in need of ps3 set-ups too?
I’ll bring a full PS3/Game/Monitor setup for MK. All characters are unlocked too so people can copy my save if needed.
MK/TK6/AH3 eat up a lot of PS3
Would help out a lot if you can bring the PS3. We’ll provide the monitors.
Thank you!
Thanks Kapwan!
I’ll be bringing a set-up for MK9 as well. Also if you have a pad/stick for PS3 please bring it. A lot of the last tournament was spent running around trying to find controllers for people to use. I am going to try and bring an extra pad & stick myself.
I’ll be able to bring a ps3 too then. Also no problem Valle. Thanks for helping support the AH3 by having us out for WNF, this game needs more love. I’ll probably be out there early again too.
From dustloop:
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Version 1.03 Loketest(s)
AksysGames wrote:
"Greetings BlazBlue enthusiasts! We’re proud to announce that we will be having loketests for Version 1.03 from now until release!
Confirmed loketests:
Date: April 27th, Wenesday Night
Time: 7:30PM~Venue Closes (12:00AM or later)
Location: The Proud Bird ? (Grand Ballroom, 11022 Aviation Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045)
Venue: $6
What to do: Just show up, pay the venue, and (preferably) bring a ps3 stick! We’ll be there playing the entire time until the venue closes, so come down and get in a few games!
And that’s probably it for the time being."
Ash - MK9
duey- mvc3
rsvp/Iron Rager (mvc3) for 4/27
Husser_Brian - MvC3 / MK9
llnd mvc3/mk9
Lion 2.0 / mvc3