Level|Up x Tournament Legacy Present Weds Night Fights @ SRC!

Do I need to play a tie breaker match?

Buddha Lover=RSVP MVC3 for 03/09/2011

is it possible to reserve a spot for the season 2 opener? on march 16? or is it all full already? and if its open would it be possible to see how many open spots there are? lol trying to make plans for me and a few buddies to come

Kapwan - MvC3 and SSFIV

DJ Divine – MvC3 & SSF4

Justin Wong - mvc3 and ssf4

Nero Fenix- SSF4 & MVC3

Olaf - MvC3
Prof. Strange - MvC3


shawn- MvC3
snake eyez - ssf4

Yeah I think me and you need to play

P. Gorath/MvC3

ytwojay, wentinel and codylicious - mvc3

RSVP Thompson/MvC3

RSVP wildfireXzero/ MvC3 & SSF4

GalzPanic for sf4 and mvc3 =]

Taro Rex - SSFIV + MvC3!

Yes you do good sir. You have a Tie breaker match with P Gorath from MvC3 1.3

shingin -mvc3

Just a reminder to those signing up for MvC3 - please be on time! Some reserved spots but arrived about 45-1hr after tournament started.

Also, remember to report all your matches (it really slows brackets down when you don’t) and make sure you have time to step out or else Shankar will DQ you after spending 10 min calling your name. I don’t want to see y’all pay money only to get DQed for a smoke break


RSVP Hungry4luv - MvC3