The level of play on PSN needs to rise. Playing PSN is just painful, as it is.
There’s an IRC chat that I go to that features PSN players that are trying to level up. There’s lot of good discussion in there.
#streetfighter4 on quakenet.
If you don’t have an IRC client, you can get to it through
As for good players, um… maybe I’ll list some later.
EDIT- Honestly… this isn’t gonna help. This is just gonna be a thread about listing players, and very few players are gonna actually play these guys…
The reality is, even if all these “high-level” players were to play each other, and loads of other players on PSN all the time, the overall level of play would not rise at all. The problem with PSN play, and this includes plenty of guys that post here, and some of the players that I’m sure will wind up being listed as “high-level”, is that almost zero players on PSN actually think.
People do all sorts of stupid shit on PSN that shows that players either A) just dont think or B) haven’t bothered to learn the intricacies of characters, and playing against these characters isn’t enough. Like… if you don’t know the properties of your opponent’s moves, you will make shitty decisions all the time. It’s inevitable.
This is PSN.
A bunch of players that don’t know shit, playing at varying levels of knowledge… making horrible decisions… maybe winning, maybe losing… definitely not getting better.
If you want to raise the level of play on PSN, raise your own game. Up your knowledge. Up your level of thought. Fuck people up. Make them improve or just quit (either one is fine with me, really).
All these “hey guys!!! Let’s have Endless sessions!” posts aren’t gonna do it. Play, THINK, share info, go to real tournaments, etc. That’s how we’re all gonna get better.