Letter Calling News Anchor Obese Goes Viral [Video]

lol thick skin literally SHE MAD

I know its deflecting blame and doesn’t accomplish anything, but I think theres def an addictive quality to fast food.

that woman cares more about stuffing her face than looking attractive to her husband or setting a positive example for her children.
being fat is a decision. a selfish one.

why should anyone support that behavior.

not to mention likelihood of death from a variety of ailments skyrocketing. very responsible.

There is no malicious “conspiracy” involved though. They are just trying to be competitive and make their products as good as they can be, and stand out among the competition. If their foods didn’t result in a virtual flavorgasm that kept customers coming back for more, then they’d suck at their jobs and be out of business.

However, theres nothing forcing people to over-consume it but their own weak will. In the end the fault lies with us.

why are you bragging today? you should have waited until tomorrow. Studies have statistically shown that there’s less chance of an incident if you do it at the end of the week.

I’d say that’s just a good example of how free market capitalism can sometimes victimize consumers. Waiting for people to develop stronger willpower didn’t really work with cigarettes so I wouldn’t say it’s your best bet with fast food either, especially since its socially acceptable to introduce children who are just barely developing impulse control to food that delivers, as you so accurately put it, a “virtual flavorgasm.”

That is not free market capitalism per say as much as it is parents who do not have the balls to tell their kids no McDonalds for fear they might cry and be publicly embarrassed.

Cigarettes are different, that’s a legit physical as well as psychological addiction. As is alcohol.

Food however, is mainly because it tastes good. Its up to the person to decide whats important and learn to say no. Sure mcdonalds fries and their salty, greasy goodness is amazing, but i choose not to indulge in such things in my lifestyle.

Oh gummi bears…how i miss thee. However, sacrifices must be made.

Sentence her to 7 months of HIIT

do these little @ notifiers work with spaced usernames? time to find out

@True Grave
I’m not entirely convinced there isn’t something that creates a chemical addiction to some fast food. I’ve only recently cut down on fast food (<once a week now) and the few times I’ve had it, the desire for more at the next meal feels strikingly similar to the need for a cigarette (I smoke too). Of course thats anecdotal so I don’t expect that to hold weight to you or anyone else. I do remember Spurlock in his documentary noting a similar feeling so I can’t be the only one who feels that way.

@jae hoon
Even for adults its food thats cheaper than healthy food and tastes better. Just saying the food that is worst food you also being the cheapest and most convenient is at least conducive to an obesity epidemic.

Also, people need to stop blaming McDonald’s, the media, etc. every time the topic of obesity, unhealthy lifestyle and/or any kind of addiction is brought up. They’re all self-inflicted impairments.

If you’re fat, skinny or weak, it’s your own damn fault. It’s your choice to do something about it.

Also the BMI is a joke, as in it is seriously fucking stupid. Michael Jordan would be considered overweight according to the BMI during his playing days. That is how they get the statistics so scewed.

Yea but that’s only if you actually train. I’m overweight according to BMI although I’m at 8% bodyfat.

It’s a decent measuring stick for 80% of Americans who happen to be sedentary. But if you’re sedentary, you technically cannot be healthy anyway so it’s a moot point even if you fall into a ‘healthy’ BMI range.

it’s not that they are lazy, it’s that they don’t care…

It really is not, it is meant for like 17th Century Belgium people and has all sorts of issues going on with it.

I personally don’t care for it either. But it’s still something the greater majority of people cling upon. And the majority of people are sedentary = unhealthy anyway, so that’s why I said it is moot regardless. If you’re a fatass that’s sedentary, it doesn’t change the fact that you are still a fatass and unhealthy. If you’re a skinny person that’s sedentary, it means you’re malnourished and unhealthy.

Measuring your body’s lean mass and fat mass in relation to your height would be something much more meaningful, but can’t measure a person with fitness with just that anyway.

Obesity is definitely a problem. Bullying at school and elsewhere I guess is a problem. I’m just facepalming at how two relevant points were handled like a subtle Internet troll, and a trashy Jerry Springer guest retort (“whateva whateva I do what I want, you don’t know me you don’t know me” ). They’re both setting shit examples for the children they claim to care about.

Most important question of the thread: who gives a fuck?

Yeah, the news anchor is overweight. Who gives a fuck?

Sometimes weight is a genetic issue and sometimes it’s a lifestyle issue. Typically it’s a mixture of both. Again, what bearing does this have on who gives a fuck about the weight of a total stranger?

Maybe she’s setting bad example for the children, if the children are retarded. When I was a kid, my role models were Superman and Luke Skywalker. The fuck kind of kid uses a morning news anchor as an example of a way to be?

If your kid gets fat because he/she was influenced by a morning news anchor with a weight issue, I submit that you have much more serious issues to deal with.

But I don’t give a fuck about you, because why would I?

When I was growing up, I knew a kid that was fat and had to have his mom wipe is ass. Fucked up thing was, he was skinnier then me(I was a rail) one year, and then miraculously blew up over one summer.

I couldn’t even get past half of the video. This bitch is stupid and the fat is clogging up her brain.
Being fat is usually 90% laziness. I was fat as fuck two years ago, then I stopped being lazy and started working out and lost weight.
If you’re fat, 9/10 times it’s not because of your genetics, it’s because you’re lazy and don’t care.
If you’re fat, look at what you eat and look at your daily, sedentary lifestyle. Don’t give me that “But I go out and walk and stuff!” You know damn well walking isn’t enough to burn all that fat.

I have nothing against fat people, do whatever you want to do - hell, a lot of the people I go to the gym with are overweight but at least they are trying. If you wanna be overweight - fine. But don’t start crying because people are calling you overweight or obese - that shit is not fucking healthy.