Letter Calling News Anchor Obese Goes Viral [Video]

sorry, ive got that thirst for a nice thick female anchor who hates herself right about now. she need a nigga like me to come over there and not pull out.

yeah, imo you should definitely be showing her your O-Face

I banged fatties before. No regrets

…Since when did news anchors became role models?

i respect that. i’ll wingman for you and tell the girls “he’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.”

I openly like fucking fat chicks, but the sanctimonious bullshit spewed by the anchor was so cringe-worthy, I barely made it through the video. While the letter was stupid, this woman is not only completely fucking insane, a painful idiot, but also a horrible soap-boxing narcissist to boot.

While I’m usually the one defending fat chicks, I sincerely hope someone writes her a letter to the following effect;

"Dear Whale Cunt,

You are a disgusting mass of blubber that doesn’t even qualify as human. The only possible purpose you have in life would be to feed a starving African village. And even then, death by starvation would be preferable to the foul stench of your mammoth corpse. Do us all a favor and kill yourself already."

People like her being fat is from a lack of education or trying. She could easily make small dietary and exercise changes to lose weight or hire a personal trainer/nutritionist. The only reason for staying obese is laziness. I used to eat everything in sight because my metabolism kept me skinny, then I grew up a bit and got fat. Some personal research and some time in the gym and I am back to looking good. There is no excuse to be fat, especially if you make decent money.

I would hulk smash her.

Yeah fuck the idiots here thirsty for “likes”, although it was a waste of valuable air time I give her props for calling the dick out and acknowledging her bloatant physical flaw so honestly.

…INB4 Randomnigga and kaz play this video until it crashes their pc’s.

Man boobs are not big enough homie.


I saw that video and it was titled “New Anchor Destroys Internet Bully LIVE ON AIR”

She didn’t fuckin destroy shit. She almost broke down crying. It was a needless email, but that shit didn’t need to reach the air.

@Shaft killing me in this thread :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

let’s not jump to conclusions, Matt. there could be other factors going on

Like what? Hormone imbalances? Those can actually be fixed with proper nutritional habits quite easily most of the time. Most of the women with a thyroid problem for example either have too much or too little iodine. Its generally either eating some more greens (kelp) or changing the amount that you salt your food. That is generally the issue.

You can tell by looking at this woman that she does not have an actual condition as she would be much larger. The letter specifically stated that she has not “changed much over the years” and therefore that is what her maintained weight is. That is not a hormonal or gland problem, that is a diet and exercise problem as her body finally requires the amount of calories that she intakes to function properly. Improper diet and the over abundance of poor dietary and exercise advice in the world today is the leading cause of obesity and diabetes. My mother still believes that our doctor around the time I was born (mid 80s) telling her that a low fat diet is the best way to be healthy. If that were true, would we really have the spreading problems of diabetes and obesity? I think not so much to this degree.

“Diet” soda for example is actually far worse for you than even regular soda. Caramel Color has been shown to induce cardiac conditions while asparatame the artificial sweetner interacts with the body in a way that the body is tricked into thinking it can create glucose from the sweet concoction. When the body realizes it cannot synthesize anything from this crap it actually craves more carbohydrates. Carbohydrates hardly create a fullness sensation in the body and therefore it leads the body to gaining more weight over time.

No fat ice cream is worse than regular ice cream. Sure, its about 10 calories less but that is primarily because the fat is removed and then sugar is put in place (and sugar being 4 calories to a gram vs fat’s 9 calories to a gram) is a convenient way to “cut calories”. However fat actual acts to slow the digestive process of the body. This not only allows the body a larger amount of time to process and utilize the calories before storing them, but it also slows the actions of insulin which can lead to the failing of the pancreas and therefore an outbreak of diabetes.

Its a lack of knowledge on subjects such as these that leads to the obesity problem. Its made worse when people believe that they are that way and will always be that way because of all these horrible “diet” programs that generally do not even work. People just believe that it is a glandular problem because making excuses is easier than doing the research to the lose the weight. Excuses are the lazy way out and solve nothing.

There are also the genetic differences between endo, ecto, and mesomorphs. These do affect your body’s structure making you either skinny as a rail or thick as a truck, but they do not make you inherently fat. She may be unfortunate and be built as an endomorph, but an endomorph is not naturally round like she is.

He had a point. Studies show that by 2048 all of america will be obese if we continue eating how we are.

Nahh man, bacon is running out. Obesity will take a hit after we can’t have bacon tacos made with shells of bacon, bacon salads made of shredded fat back bacon with bacon bits on top with extra cheese, and bacon pizzas hold the cheese bread and sauce.

Dumb email getting attention from news anchor. Fail.

i agree.

People and things that need to be addressed:

Changes in school policies (disallowing recess for fear of injuries)
Lifestyles (obviously, sedentary lifestyles)
Obesity sympathizers
Arrogance (“there’s nothing wrong with me,” “why should i change? he’s the one who sucks,” etc )
Dependance (using food to make you feel better)
Liberals not taking a strong enough stance against Conservative rhetoric
Eating habits (imo everybody is an individual case and the food pyramid is a lie. we shouldn’t use it)
Thyroid problems (people need to see if have an underlying issue other than laziness)
Treatment (competent trainers and nutritionists are a must)
Exercise (or the best form of exercise per person. running isn’t helpful to a 600lb’er)
Respect (especially for those trying to lose weight. this dude writing letters does no good)

“she’s not fat, she’s just thick.”

-Mycah Lionheart

Generally in the way of exercise weight lifting done full body twice a week to stimulate growth is good overall. This is exercise that can be done by anyone and the living tissue of muscle keeps the body using calories. The recovery process actually burns more calories than the activity as well. Running is actually piss poor for weight loss (walking is better).

For eating, while everyone is different its generally easier to eat more healthy fats near the end of the day and less carbs and the opposite in the morning. This allows the body to get the energy it needs at the day’s start and to keep full at the day’s end.

Those are the concepts I followed and I lost 70 pounds in about 18 months.