Lets talk about the 2nd most underrated character

I’m gonna have to try AA’ing those jump-ins. I’d always block them and get stuck in SBK patterns.

yamazaki is one awesome character to use. It will require a good thinking player to really use the effectiveness of him.

Best Groove for Yamazaki? I don’t think the A groove might suit him too well…maybe C , S, and N groove.

Yama owns Chun Li…but if this was Third Strike, totally the other fucking way around o.O

It’s funny how some people think i’m taunting while I’m countering them.

Also, another good tactic especially for wake up maybe is the Foot Stomp he has…MASHES the turtlers :slight_smile:

Laicram - I promise from far and close(going for a crossup), d.fierce stuffs cleanly or trades. Almost always will beat it. DONT DO IT TOO LATE YOU’ll GET CH. thats the only problem

Best groove for yama is probably N or C. More N really since run helps him.

I dont find the overhead to really have much use cept maybe at the end of a level 2 cancel so they cant tech.

Let’s not forget that headbutt grab he has…a nice little addition to his already weird arsenal of moves.

Stupid grab set up Ive done once since this game came out and probably will never do again:

Counter near corner, juggle s.fp xx dust (misses of course), grab super when they land

Yeah I’m cool.

Yama’s got to be high-mid, he matches up great. Doesn’t have the insane potential of the top-tops but his mindgames make up for it.

I’m taking into account all the information I find here on these forums. I’m taking C-Yamazaki to a tournament coming up this Saturday. I’ll let you guys know how it goes if you’re interested.

Any advice for typical A-Groove character match-ups, such as the Sakura/Bison/Blanka trio? I’m confident with most of my match-ups or at least know how they go. I can st.roundhouse Sagat on reaction to st.fierce, and I’ve played so many Sagats with Yamazaki that I think I can handle it, or at least make him work for it.

Any help against those three is appreciated, since I have very little experience against those characters, for that matter the team of three.

Yamazaki has a better damaging bnb (though only slightly)

st. lp, c.mk, dust --> mp hands

though on crouching opponents standing lp whiffs

you can tack on an extra c.lk to the standard bnb if you do the two lps fast enough.