from my experience d.H has absolute garbage priority and gets beat by everything. i only use it to bait shit then block, if i try to beat even a jab i get stuffed and eat a fat combo.
Actually I did this for a while too out of frustration of dropping the longer combos, but then when I realized that I could kill any character with two long combos, I deciplined myself into better execution, observation, and readiness. Anytime I land that standing heavy attack I go right into the feint combos. you’ve just got to condition yourself.
So just to confirm with everyone, is this your bnb when you land a combo opener with X? I assume the only time you’ll go with a different combo is when you want to go really big and do one of her XFC combos.
And what are most of you who are getting comfortable enough with rushdown doing for overheads? Are you using the j.A instant OH? And one last question, has anyone found any reset situations that seem favorable to simply going with a big combo? I mean, anyone has success with this [media=youtube]ibhzRHsxx_0"[/media]?
I’m just trying to sort of consolidate the opinions of the more experienced players out there, and was hoping to draw from the well-of-knowledge so to speak…I know one of you has an answer. Although the game is still new, good players have been tinkering with builds of the game for many months, and I’m surprised I still haven’t seen any realy impressive competative play with X23 on any videos yet.
MFC Loops
Not sure if anyone has talked about this yet, but I just found that X-23 has a Fierce-Feint-Fierce type technique.
This involves use of the Mirage Feint Cancel (lets call it MFC). According to the guide, MFC’ing a light/medium/heavy attack will leave you at +2/+6/+11 respectively. After reading that, I figured that I should be able to do combos like: s.:h:, MFC, s.:h:, MFC, s.:h: (etc.). Turns out that you can!
I’m pretty sure this is gonna increase X-23’s bnb damage, and her combo damage in general.
For example, take this standard combo: c.:l:, c.:l:, s.:h: xx :qcb::h:, j., j.:h:, s.:h: xx :qcb::h: …
With MFC, that combo can probably be transformed like this: c.:l:, c.:l:, s.:h:, MFC, s.:h: xx :qcb::h:, j., j.:h:, s.:h:, MFC, s.:h: xx :qcb::h: …
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, really.
I don’t have any recording devices, so you guys are gonna have to prove this to yourselves in training mode.
Have fun.
edit: just reading through this thread now, Hintalove actually mentioned this shit on pg. 4.
I borrowed a camera and made a video of what I was talking about in the above post.
I was trying out the MFC stuff earlier tonight, and even from just a
s.h, MFC, s.h, qcb h, j.m, j.h, qcf l, s.m., s.h, qcb h, j. m…then they fall out, it’s about 300k right about there. Maybe it’s just spacing, or not letting them drop far enough, but it’s not looking good as a combo tool.
Ok, just did some more testing, even with the lmh, mfc, h, etc. and it drops after the j.m after the first qcf. l. I did get it to work, but with some different button slapps, for minor damage improvement, like maybe 8,000-18,000. But, it is very nice for dirt nap, i acidently did that, and then the combo and then dirt nap, and that worked…so that’s a thing that exists.
Do you guys find it hard to land/follow-up on ST.H online? I can nail her ST.L, ST.M, ST.H, 214H combos perfectly in training mode, but whether it’s the slight online delay or me not thinking quick enough I either end up getting 2H instead of ST.H or I fail to cancel ST.H into 214H and drop my combos. I have a pretty good connection with most people I play and I don’t find it TOO hard to combo with other characters online, but with Laura all I can really seem to do is the magic series.
online is ass, i go for the basic shit there coz trying hop loops seem to always get me a dropped combo.
Yea, I’ve definitely noticed that MFC can fuck with your combos. If I try and go into the old bnb off of ‘s.H, MFC, s.H, …’ I get the same problem you’re describing.
This MFC combo does 560k:
s.:h:, MFC, s.:h:, MFC, s.:h: xx :qcb::h:, j., j.:h:, [land], s.:s:, sj., sj., sj.:h:, sj.:d::h:, :qcf::l:, [land], :qcf: (charge), :qcf::atk::atk:
Obviously this specific combo is ass, because you can get more damage without using MFC. Still, if anyone is good at combo creation, maybe they can use the above combo as a framework to figure something out that’ll maximize damage.
Whats MFC?
Been trying out most of the cast (not all) an X-23 is the only character im getting stuff with :l::h:,:qcb::h:,j:m:j:h::qcf::l: land :h::qcb::h::j:m:j:h::qcf::l: land :h::s: sj :h::qcf::l:, land
:qcf: charge :qcf::atk::atk: 556k i can add on :d::h: after the :h: in the air to get more damage…
Im pretty sure we are missing something to get more damage, just got to think an experiment more :0
Edit: or maybe she is just not the type to get more damage than that, she’s probably a mix up beast. After combo call assist :qcf::h: or feint start over etc, not every character can go 900k (alot of the cast can) but just maybe the way X-23 gets damage is from those nasty mixups…
Mirage Feint Cancel. From the wiki:
:X can’t seem to get ankle slicer to connect after an aerial series help?
To be quite frank, online isn’t hot, and it doesn’t help that most people on my list simply don’t have good connections either. Delays mess up my Mirage(Hop) loops and after the first rep I always drop it when offline, it’s simply not an issue. I also go for the basic stuff online because that’s all it allows unless the connection is good.
@Devoted: As soon as you knock them down with an aerial chain, immediately perform Ankle Slicer and hold the whole way through for a full charge. It should connect.
I think that mfc’ing is more practical as making a safe blockstring, then throwing out another s.h, as a frametrap?
Like I said earlier, I’m not sure how well mfc’s combo potential is, but its definitely a tool that X-23 needs to abuse (mfc in general).
It still needs some more looking into before making any final judgement on it.
couldn’t agree more with this post.
I too agree with this. Offline I can pull of MFC fairly well,but once I get my a$$ online then its a whole other world.
Not sure if its a good combo, but I usually now do :l: Talon Attack into :l:,,:h:,MFC,j.,j.,j.:h:,j.,j.:h:,j.:s:,land,:s:,j.,j.,j.:h:,:l: Talon Attack, Ankle Slicer full charge, Weapon X Prime. 574,400 Damage.
Note: I don’t know how to make my combo’s using the arrows and whatnot,how do I do that? its so cool.
@D3xton click on “go advanced” then find the smileys and pick “more smileys”, they should be in the bottom of the list, or go by instinct like
: qcf : (without the spaces) would be a fireball motion, : l : is light attack and so on =]
also, I went to a tourney today, i dont think i completed a single combo coz I was so godamn nervous, all i did was LMH launch j.MM whiff H land =/
then i went x-23/Sent/Phoenix and LOL’d my way through the tourney with DPh to go out 2-2.
however in the tourney i saw a combo that a x-23 user (the guy that won the tourney with 0 loses) was using that IIRC ive never seen here, it went:
LMH H Feint j.MM M talon j.MM (land) MH H Feint j.MH L Talon (land) HS j.MMH L talon, OTG ankle slicer xx Super
- it did a shitload of damage
- if its pushblocked the M talon puts right back in their faces or out of their punish range if they dont pushblock
- it carries them all the way to the corner
thoughts on this? I havent had a chance to test its damage and stuff yet, and there’s a chance that it was already known but I’m gonna post it anyway >_>
Thanks Ill remember to try the smiley’s next time I post a combo.
Doesn’t matter what you got in the tournament,all that matter’s is building good habits and tournament experience. Good stuff bro!
That combo seems like it would do some pretty good damage. I also like the fact as you said that it pushes right to the corner. I might wish to try this combo out for myself.
Trying to replicate this, and for the life of me can’t. M Talon seems like it ends the combo … just has too many active frames.
do it mid-screen/outside the corner basically, so that by the time M talon recovers you’ll close to the corner. you should be able to land the j.MM afterwards (you can try mashing it while M talon is active and it’ll probably work as well).