Nooo do not go for the SE stick it is horrible if necessary wait for a while if you cant afford TE which is the best home arcade stick ive ever used. If you do buy the SE you might as well be prepared to buy all the replacement parts youre gonna need and mod it if you know how… which i do not. The SE stick uses MADCATZ buttons and i heard they stick and are unresponsive, nuff said. Buy the TE stick or wait until you can afford one, buying the SE stick is not an option in my opinion.
Well Rep that foo up again, CothX said he was neg repped so rep him up!!!
The stock SE is pretty bad. The stick will get stuck, not register directions, the washer will ruin the PCB… and of course the buttons will crap out and stick, etc.
But is certainly is an option; you just have to replace the parts. It’s extremely easy to do (there are guides in tech talk), and after it’s done, it’s essentially the same as the TE. So it’s really just preference as to what box you want; the bigger, heavier TE or the smaller, lighter SE. And obviously the art is different. But the price ends up being about the same either way.
And lol. Of course VF is gonna neg rep everyone. Watch out guys! He’s gonna report you to the neg-rep thread and have a bunch of other losers neg you! They all ride each other’s dicks and got nothing better to do.
Thanks for the screen shot alex, those people have to be the saddest and loniest people in the solar system, they probably get erections while discussing who they’re neg rep…like it actually means something in the outside of this website, lmao@ those losers
Is the size between them that different? I tend to play in my lap, but if the TE won’t work well for that, then I could find some other way, like a table or something. I’m gona have to mod the TE anyways with an octo gate, so maybe the SE wouldn’t be so bad. Except it is out of the box
@loser thread, really you guys like to neg rep because its cool.
The TE is absolutely fine for playing in your lap, it has a nice bit of weight to it which means it never moves unexpectedly or anything like that. I’ve been using it on my lap sitting on my couch for the last couple of weeks and no problems playing with it at all.
I had quite the opposite reaction about the gate. As soon as I felt the stick lock into the corners for the first time, I knew my love for the square gate would be forever.
Yeah the TE stick is pretty big and bulky (not really bulky, but thick enough). I like it. Its easy to mod, the hardest thing you will ever have to do is the quick disconnects in which you’ll need a very small, thin screwdriver to help pop them off. And that’s just for the buttons. Switching the gate off is just a matter of opening it up with a 3mm Allen wrench and popping a piece off.
Jeez Coth_X, you have more negative rep than I do lol. I think I have like -127 rep points. Apparently people don’t like me?
EDIT: OK, what happened to all my negative rep pts? I was hoping to build them up to something major! It used to tell me to go play Barbie’s Horse Adventure or something, now it just says I’m a big Chun Li fan!
most of the people with the full green bar are those who participate in the “premo rep whoring thread” in the premium section. oddly enough, the rep nonsense has begun to have the opposite affect in my mind. when i see someone with the full green bar, i almost automatically assume they are an asshole and looking for any reason to “call in an airstrike” like mack daddi says. i kinda prefer the red bar at this point as i expect the poster to be more realistic and less PC/arrogant.
anyway…modding the SE stick is VERY simple. if you get the same sanwa parts that are in the TE, it is a direct drop in. the first run of SE stick are the ones with the washer problem and newer ones dont have the problem. if you are planning to mod it with sanwa parts, it wont make a differece as the issue is with the stock stick. in fact…the cheapest thing would be to look for an F’ed up SE, get it cheap, then replace with sanwa parts. i have done the conversion and the SE with good parts works just fine IMHO. the only difference at that point is the weight/size which didnt bother me at all.
Do i need to replace the whole stick? I just wanted to get an octo gate, and maybe a bat top. Don’t know about the bat top yet, but will I need to get a new stick as well?
Also, yeah, I was working almost half a bar of green from actual reps I’d gotten in various threads. Now its time for the darkness!! :badboy:
if you are going to keep the stock stick, make sure its a newer model. i would just buy a brand new one from madcatz web store to ensure you get a current model. i will check later when i get home, but i am pretty certain that the madcatz stick is a cheap yet identical rip-off of the sanwa and the sanwa parts will be a direct swap. i will post back later once ive checked.