Learning to drive Stick for HDR/ST. Is it better in the long run or not?

I prefer game pads. Main reason: They are cheaper.

Just bumping this thread to ask a quick question.

OK so i got my TE stick, and it’s great to feel the proper shallow pushbutton response, and it feels really solid. The only thing is the square gate and ball top are driving me nuts, it’s just not what i’m used to and it’s too big a jump from the american sticks i’ve used all my life to be comfortable with. I’m thinking of changing over to an octagonal gate and a bat top, just to be closer to what i’m used to, and i was wondering if anybody had any useful advice before i do.

I know that square is the japanese standard, and a lot of top players prefer it, and consider an octo gate to be like a set of training wheels, but i reckon it’s personal preference, and the square gate just feels wrong to me because i’m used to riding the gate to pull out moves. The up down left right directions feel too vague to me and the stick gets “stuck” in the corners when a fluid motion would have got me the move i want quickly.

Anybody have any pros or cons i should consider before ordering the parts?

I used a TE before that was an octo gate? I really don’t like square as much, but I thought the TE’s were octo gates?

It not so much the “stick” for me but the abilty to piano inputs. Links are MUCH earier for me on a arcade buttons.

The square gate can be really nice if you play charge characters. Sure, you can’t ride the gate when doing a shoto fireball, but doing silly shit like boxer’s buffalo headbutt into super is very easy with a square gate. Hitting the diagonals is easy as pie.

Fatboy’s got it right about pianoing the button presses. Reversals are so much easier to hit when you do that.

So anyway there’s no harm in picking up an octo gate and trying it out. Its all a matter of personal preference. Use whatever feels better.

Nope, square gates as standard on the TE stick.

I gotta admit this is my fave part of the stick. The buttons are super tight for pianoing and rapid pressing. I never miss a super reversal now, and when you’re maining bison that’s crucial as it’s the only reversal he’s got…:shake:

Really? I get out of a ton of shit using reversal Devils Reverse…

I’ve heard that Seimitsus have tighter springs than Sanwas, but I’ve also heard that if you prefer Happ or IL sticks, then get that instead of octagonal gates.

I was used to Happ sticks too, before the arcade scene died around here. I’ve been on pad ever since, but earlier this year, I tried my first square gate on the Hori Fighting Stick 3. Let’s just say that after 2 days of pure frustration, I unplugged the Hori and put it in a corner somewhere, and it’s been gathering dust ever since. Got myself a Saturn pad instead and never looked back.

The thing is, I know what I’m capable of on a stick, so it’s not a case of me wanting results right away or not wanting to put in the practice time. A square gate is so “loose” to me, that if I ever encountered a stick like that in an arcade, me and my buddies would call it broken. Thing is, there were certain arcades that did have loose Happ sticks, just from the owner not performing any maintenance on his cabs, but I’d still be able to perform on these sticks just the same. However with the amount of space in a square gate, there is no way I can perform any motion with any degree of comfort.

Like you said Mackdaddi, I’m used to riding the gate in a circular motion to input my motions too. I need the “tactile feedback” of the stick going around in a 360. The square gate is meant to be played without touching the sides (except for charge characters). But even with charge characters, the amount of space to cover from db to f was so much for me, that I ended up being inaccurate, and hitting uf or df instead of f, and losing my charge as a result. And forget about Hadokens, Shoryukens or Supers. I can’t even imagine attempting a 360 with Zangief or Hawk. I don’t know how square gate players can use them.

If you do get an octagonal gate, PM me or post your results here. I would like to know what you think of it. Good luck either way.

About the square gates… Can you just buy and add on the octo-gate? They are JLF sanwa stcks right?

Yup, you sure can, except they are JLF not JLS.


For some odd reason i play with both

As others have said, the stick is better in allowing you to reach your full potential. But i play with a pad whenever i use non charge characters and ones without command throws, which is a choice few characters. I can pull off my moves much easier on a pad with these types of characters, since execution doesnt have to be extremely precise in HD Remix like it was for super turbo which pretty much REQUIRES a stick to play. But switching from pad to stick messes with my muscle memory as far as pulling off moves such as crossup combos, so i might try using the stick exclusively i dont know yet. Maybe if i get used to executing dp type moves stick ill get better with it, as far as my opinion goes its still a hell of a lot better than using a controller pad. If you want to delve deeper into high level play then it is almost necessary to have an arcade stick. At least it isnt as bad as MvC2 on xbl where execution was equally as difficult as on the arcade version, you dont play that one unless you have a stick. Period. Oh yeah mackdaddi good games man played you last night or afternoon dont remember.

For everyone who thinks they don’t “like” square gates:

I was in the same boat. I grew up on American Happ with the circle gates and the concave buttons. I originally scoffed the idea of using Sanwa parts. That seriously all changed once I borrowed a friends all Sanwa stick. For the “down-back” function alone it is worth it (always being able to find the corners is SO important in SF2). Sure, fireball and 360 motions take a little getting used to but you will, I promise!

Also, being able to do ‘hold-back, forward-back-forward’ supers from downback to downforward is pretty crucial IMO.

Just for the record. I love square gates!

Yeah, you just buy the sanwa GT-Y octo restrictor plate, unscrew the top panel off the stick, unclip the square gate and pop on the octo one and put the top back on. It’s really easy to switch them over, takes about 2 mins each time.

There are a ton of tutorials on youtube etc. Here’s a good one: http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2009/may/20/video-how-swap-out-square-gate-te-stick/

Yeah, i know what you mean, i suppose i meant his super is his only proper attacking reversal.Point taken though, his new DR is excellent for wriggling out of stuff.

GGs man, well played.:tup:

I don’t like my hori fs3 either.:sad:

Except you need a drill to mod a fs3, with a octo plate.:sad:

Using real gear (Happ or Sanwa) is extremely recommended. Hori has always felt like shit to me.

Ummm, I was told in the stick/tech forum that hori’s used sanwa parts.

For ST I was strictly an snes/xbox pad user and was decent on them but felt my mental skills were much better then my physical dexterity so sometimes I knew a move was coming but due to the design of the stick (I used analog stick not dpad) my counter didn’t come out because I wasn’t 100% precise.

Then there was my infamous evo07 dp vid after that I switched to stick for ST and when HDR came out I got my ass handed to me for about a month but after that my physical ability started to match my mental anticipation and I became 200% better then I ever was and my play started to look alot more like how a pro would actually play then it did before.

Although luck had alot to do with it still switching from pad to stick made me go from not being able to dp in evo07 to placing 17th in 09:tup:

Ditto man!

Totally not true. They use their own crappy parts that are nearly all made of plastic. I modded one to use Sanwa parts - it made a big difference.

Well fuck the advice they give in that forum.