LAURA Matchup Thread


Many Laura players will fully charge their thunder claps to begin their approach. This setup is extremely impetuous against competent Nash players because H. Tragedy assault blows it up from about 3/4th’s screen distance. If you happen to be midscreen, M. Tragedy assault works. Any closer, just cr.MK her (safest choice) or L. Tragedy Assault.

Throw out whiffed st.LP and st.HP in between dashes to try and stuff dash ins and create mind games to make her think you are about to boom. Use booms infrequently as you should be more focused on EX Sonic Scything Jump ins and stuffing her claps with TA’s.

As for her inability to do anything other than jump at you once you have shut down her ground game, use bazooka knee to get out from underneath her. This move is outstanding against Laura for it’s AA potential but mainly for getting under her jumps.

If you have a solid read on her EX wake up bolt strike option and want to go for a harder disrespect than a block punish, L. Sonic Scythe or M. Sonic Scythe into CA eats the first hit of armor and then stuffs it. Video below demonstrates.

The other thing that this setup demonstrates is that it is a strong meaty K.O. chip option which Laura has no tools to deal with.