Laura General Thread: Who The Hell Is Sean?

They can jump out of it after the flash.

You wont be catching people with Lauras super like you would Zangiefs. Its mostly used as a combo tool, punishment tool or as an invincible reversal.

@zektback Lmao at the DP comment. Man it’s super annoying when you land meaty attacks and just when you think you conditioned them not to do anything on wakeup or blockstings, they tell you here hold this DP. It really blows mine too because now I start second guessing if I want to do resets and certain setups. I go from being aggressive to playing so cautious.

Ok, so you have to understand some basic concepts here:

First, there is usually a set number of frames after blockstun where you can’t throw your opponent, the same goes for post-wake up. In some games is longer (try throwing an opponent after they wake up in any SF2 game, including ST) and in some is shorter, like in SFIV or SFV.

Second, in SFIV and SFV, you can’t be thrown in pre-jump frames, so even if you can grab the opponent on the first frame after the blockstun is ended, they can still jump when they see the CA animation. So your only chance of success is if they press a button after the blockstun, but that it’s a big IF, you’re basically betting all your meter on a psychic CA.

I don’t think you quite understand what I mean. If the mixup is command throw or normal you’re never giving them a reason to give you a counterhit.

If they guess command throw and they want to stop it by pressing a button the best damage they’re going to get is whatever CH jab combo they have. If they stop it by neutral jumping the best damage they are going to get is whatever their biggest jumpin combo is. On the flipside, if their guess is wrong and they press a button, they’re going to eat an mp, mp combo. If their guess is wrong and they jump, they’re going to eat either LP, LP xx LP bolt or a single MP. In short, if they try to stop the command throw by pressing a button instead of neutral jumping, they’re not only creating a bigger risk for themselves, but also less reward. There’s no reason for them to ever give you a counterhit.

When going for a regular throw you will recover in time to punish jumps, which means that their only options are tech or block, thus opening up the possibility of counterhits.

Obviously, it isn’t a given that your opponent has given the risk/reward after LP bolt any meaningful consideration, so you might still get counterhits when only going for normals or command throw, but just because your opponent is a dumdum it doesn’t mean that you have to be one too.

Okay. Having a lot of success buffering EX Bolt from s.LK against Ken

Sorry for the double post. But I had to respond to this. I suffered from this too until I just stopped giving a fuck. If they hit me with a DP, I lost a bit of life and gained a lot of data. If I know he is going to DP I’ll just bait it next time and see if:

A ) He’s dumb enough to do it again. I rob him of 450 life.

B ) He doesn’t DP and I understand he might not be a total idiot.

ive been awake for 24h and just lost to a karin that literally only did overheads. i am as retarded as i am disgusted

In general, buffering s.LK xx qcf.MP is great in the footsies. It’s also really good after blockstrings that you leave right outside s.LK where the buffer will only hit them if they press a button.

LOL I think I fought that guy, did he only do cr. MK into qcb+MK for the whole match with occasional f+MK spam? It really helped me be able to see her overhead more easily.

Has anybody had any issues when you do a coming down on an opponent it will completely go through the character sometimes? I just had a Dhalsim in the corner and it shouldve been guaranteed but she went through him and landed on the other side, and it isnt the first time this has happened.

Maybe you hit the mk too soon?

No, it was way worse than that. We’re talking backjumps and fullscreen overhead specials. In the beta, the HP version was plus on block and I assumed it was the same now, so I didn’t want to deal with it. In my sleep deprived haze I couldn’t react fast enough to stuff it so my drowsy ass tried to come up with strategies to beat it preemptively. Sleep deprived me isn’t a smart man.

At 3kLP now. Fireball in footsie range is good. Use it but don’t abuse it.

Update in the standing MK campaign. Was told by a very good player in my area that he thinks s. MK is the most annoying normal Laura has for him to deal with as Karin. Knowing it’s -1 but knowing it has such a good hit box makes him wary to press buttons whenever it is in range and the deceptive range makes it hard for him to tell if it is in range.

Okay. So for this Post-Stun combo

Stun - hp.fireball > f.HP(1) > nj.MK > Stuff

How on earth do you time it so the fireball hits perfectly between the f.HP and nj.MK? Cannot do this for the life of me.

I was practicing that combo awhile back but with nj.HP. The timing after doing the charge fireball is a lil weird to me. It seems like you have to hit the f.HP immediately after the fireball or just by a pinch so the fireball lands the first hit then the f.HP and then the rest of the fireball hits and then fellow up nj attack. The damage is good but me personally I go for the simple more realistic fellow up combo off the stun. Mainly because I don’t trust my execution and the timing of the combo.

6 frame start up, good hitbox and moves her forward. CH lets you combo into s.LK(or s.LP) xx LP Bolt provided your close enough. Not to mention when you have VT. I love that button.

I wonder if there’s some way to set up the spacing of the fireball so doing the f+HP as early as possible would work.

I made an early laura guide, not sure how great it is but it’s something so,

Nice job rayplay