
Reeeeeeeeeally godwar just asked if i was going wasn’t sure but noooooooooooooooooow its a whole a new ball game.
I will bring the depths of hell upon unit#?? n hell will unfooooold!! the flames of hell wont’ be extinguished by mere bravery but by Respect! Honor! n for Glory!! because i think again its going to be cold i think in the 20s but hopefully bareable so everyone wear a jacket ok.
I haven’t reealy practiced just a few games here n there mostly watching horror movies. But i think i should be practicing but it sux cuz at evo its with an arcade or wat ps3controller not as realiable as the xbox360controller gheeeeez that reason i woudn’t say excuse but shit i need to get one because obviously moves come out more smooth, n basically easier “godlike”. chhhh.

On a side note that bus thing does sounds intresting. wen would be the deadline for that is the question? aaaah Vegas I would really love to play some 21, craps,roulette, texas hold’em for sure,“we should make a night of texas hold’em” if anyone intrested. Too bad the bus would only be there like wat that night how long does evo last the whole day.

Goose your rambles are pure nonsense.

Mahvel 3 is fun cant wait for the release

Damn your M.O.D.O.K!!! ill get him one of these days!!!

LMAO, M.O.D.O.K is fun , think i might pick up sentinel also, not sure yet about the 3rd character…DORITO SHIELD/ANAL CUBE!!!

alright guys fight night is on at alexs place, BRING your A game tonight! starts at 8 HOPE TO SEE THE USUALS there!

tranny dok!!

Damn Pabbs rage slamming the controller and cell phone, i thought you had some class but in the words of Dudley “Gutter Trash”

STFU scrub. Did I not 6-0 you later that night? And FYI I didnt fucking rage slammed the controller beetch. My foot just got tangled in the wire and then it got pulled causing newton’s 3rd law of motion to come into play. for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. So when the wire was pulled it made the controller fling and smash hard into the floor. No it was not a rage slam. Blame physics. As for the cell phone slam, blame it on Newton’s 1st law of motion.

p.s I love your turtle honda

mister “nervous shits” SPEAKS!!! LMFAO

The nervous shits!

ah shit its here midnight launch at mikes gamestop on sandario i think jesse will win that puma bag that fool has been putting in some serious work lol

The game becomes more manageable once you start understanding how the system works.

pabbs has raged on me online :frowning: guys a loose cannon… stay away from him lol and marvels the best game ever, that is all :clown:

dude i hope it was first day hickups but, man i was up till 6am last night, and i spent more time in the “updating player data” screen then i did playing, very fuckin fustrating. i only got a hand full of matches going >:( very lame.

oh and Oscar + psn lag + half second tv lag = godley! - dont fuk with that guy.

Just stopping by because I saw you all had a tournament coming up called Texas Showdown. I’m not sure if you all are aware of this but Texas Showdown is a copyrighted name. I know most of you all are newer to the scene but some of the older cats might remember the south major Texas Showdown from back in the day. They had to change there name awhile back due to the copyright issue the faced once the name was bought out. A recent tournament in Killeen was gonna call itself Texas Showdown but they too changed there name to avoid any legal issues. Just giving you all the heads up.


thanks for the heads up bro

**Laredo Spring Heat Tournament (Working Title) **
Featuring Gootecks and Mike Ross
Streamed live by Monster?s Arcade
March 26
Laredo, Tx
SSFIV/MvC3 $500 Guaranteed + Pot for SSFIV
Venue Fee: $15.00
SSFIV Fee: $10.00
MvC3 Fee : $7.00
Spectator Fee: Yet to be determined

Location: 6508 N. Bartlett Ave. Laredo, Tx
Time: 11am-1pm (Registration)
For info call Mikeyboy 956-236-6118

Shoryuken thread.**-laredo-texas-showdown-featuring-gootecks-mike-ross-**-laredo-tx-3-26-11-a-265916/#post10273236 flyer

How about
Laredo Showdown
Laredo Buckaroos
Laredo vs the world
Laredo Pabbs
Laredo cinco de mayo
Laredo dont cross the border or get shot
Laredo United Longhorns

This one sounds good.

But this one is my favorite :rofl:


Whats a Gootecks? Is that something you clean the kitchen sink with??