Fair enough, we’ll agree to disagree
The distance from Sydney Australia, to New York, New York, USA is about 16,000 km, the speed of light is 300,000 km/s so there’s no way to get better than 1/20 of a second (3 frames) unless you tunnel through the earth.
New York to Los Angeles is about 4,000 km - or about 1/80 of a light second (3/4 of a frame). I’d be rather surprised if people could get less than a frame of lag over that distance. I doubt it’s possible with any consumer grade service.
I already said that I think the use case where the two players are on the opposite sides of the planet is not the normal use case.
It is possible that some sort of wireless technology could be developed that could penetrate the planet, so the maximum distance traveled would be the diameter instead of half the circumference. 12,742km/300,000km/s = ~0.042 seconds, so that is a slight improvement.
Also, while input lag netcode is generally bad, the main reason is that it isn’t consistent with offline input lag. If you get the base input lag down as low as possible, then add artificial input lag to the offline, you could use that difference to smooth out online play without any differences. PSN HDR apparently has 7 frames of input lag offline and doesn’t feel too bad. I don’t know about console, but on PC, it should be possible to get down to 1 frame of input lag, so you can add 6 frames to keep it the same. 6 frames is 1/10th of a second, so you could get a 100 millisecond ping to be exactly the same as offline. Rollback netcode would exist for anything above that, and generally rollbacks less than 100 milliseconds aren’t too bad.
But, yeah, even with those two things, it won’t be enough to make worldwide netcode the same as offline. Maybe we’ll get some quantum entanglement network infrastructure eventually?
no thanks
I didn’t have any plan to revisit this thread, but just saw this:
Progress in Algorithms Beats Moore?s Law Algorithmic Game-Theory/Economics
Let’s wait 10 years to find out who is right :wgrin:
LOL, yeah, that’s pretty much it.