Yea its range is very deceptive and it puts pressure on a lot of non rc’ing shotos. Also people who love to rush down mindlessly. That strong anti air hits at close range. Dunno how useful it is yet. But it does somethin =]
Of course the jab dp does shit for damage, the medium punch is better. Also, Sagat, Blanka and quite a bit of other characters can completely stuff Kyo’s jab/strong dp. Fierce dp is invincible. Standing fp is the best anti-air on Sagat/Chun.
Yeah, I did some extensive testing yesterday on Kyo’s DPs and it stuffs Sagat’s J.HK when done deep. The only times I’ll probably use the jab version of Kyo’s DP is to surprise and stuff ground pokes. S.MK and S.HP also work well on jump-ins, but you gotta get the timing down.
Kyo has a really good footsie game, that’s y he’s dangerous. s.roundhouse,, s.short are all good. In fact he can pretty much abuse s.roundhouse as a poke
Kyo does not have a really good footsie game. His pokes are decent not great. He’s not even really dangerous on the outside. He’s scary on the inside for the mixups. Pokes is not his game at all. You want to use his pokes to bait people to jump, roll, or sit still. Soyou can get a knockdown, free chain/throw, or get in safely.
You don’t really wanna use any uppercut but the lp or hp. That’s it. There’s no advantage to using the strong one that can see. If you wanna beat any pokes you use the hp only. You don’t wanna use the lp for that cuz it trades a lot. You use the lp as a chance for a trade so you can super. That’s the objective behind it. Example: Chun jumps at you with that annoying lk. If you do the jab dp really deep it will beat her clean. If not you will trade, she will float, and you can super her. So unless you have a super ready and you’re ready to react to the trade you don’t ever use the lp uppercut.
You can also activate and get a juggle combo off of a jab DP trade, so thats good too.
Strong DP does more damage than jab DP. Also probably does more damage on CH than fierce DP. Strong DP is the DP to be used in all of Kyo’s CCs involving DPs.
Fierce DP is about all you’d use outside of CCs anyhow… jab DP is the not-so-good DP for Kyo, IMHO.
Anyone know when to combo the QCF MP > HCB MP > MP, OTG off of the cloud super in the corner? I’m not quite sure on when to start doing the motion.
Corner combo:
J.HK, st.HK, qcf.HKx2, lvl2 qcb,hcf super xx qcf.HKx2, dp.HK (or juggle aragami chain into otg)
Nice damage and leaves you with almost another level 2
Practical combo:
cr.LK, cr.LP, cr.MPxxMP aragami chain
I’m not sure if there is a difference or not, but I use jab, not strong. Anyway, just whip it out as soon as you can. Try to get his super hit as early as you can so they will float a bit higher than normal (Gives you more time). You delay the second part very slightly.
I have a tough time against Yamazaki. It seems like he has all the tools to keep him from getting inside. Recently I’ve been doing short jump medium kick from max distance. Has anyone tried doing this? It goes FAR. Think his crouching medium kick, only in the air. It goes straight forward as well, unlike his j roundhouse which has a slight angle.
Anyone know Kyo’s dizzy combo in C? Or does he even have one?
I’ve seen the A one, but I’m pretty sure there was a vid floating around with a C-groove dizzy combo.
Thanks in advance
PM me or something.
I’ll send you a vid of his 100%
Kyo’s C.HP as an Anti-Air
Really good on air attacks that are at 90 angles like Shoto J.HK/J.MK and Chun’s J.LK. He actually has a chance not to get crossed up by Chun if you can do it consistently. Well, when you’re not knocked down, which shouldn’t be happening because that’s what Kyo should be doing. :lol:
At least that’ll stop the trades with Kyo’s DP. And it beats them clean if you time it right.
Chun-li’s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kyo’s c.fp
If you have meter, you want to trade.
In any event, Kyo seems to get crossed up by Chun all the time … I play both characters, And Kyo has a hard time with her j lk.
In any event, the best Kyo can easily avoid it. Of course, I’m talking about P/K Kyo.
If you’ve got a run, just run underneath whoever is trying to cross you up and sweep them from thier backside. That fucks up even P and K Groove players.
With Dash it’s a little more fucked up, don’t know what to tell you about that.
There’s also a maximum distance you can land RED kick and only be punished by reversal Level 3 supers. It’s pretty nice.
I did the funniest weirdest EX-Groove Combo today.
Somehow I managed to set the Cancel Everything-option on and it allowed to to combo Lightest to Medium to Strongest. (Magic Series!)
Jumping Fierce Kick, Standing LP <c> Standing MP <c> Crouching HP <c> Doukigami <c> Tsumiyomi <c> Level 2 Final Shodown <c> Orochi Nagi.
Somewhere around 60-70%ish damageing combo.
Strange but funny
on a scale of 1-10, how useful is RC rekka for kyo? i heard somewhere that his rekkas were safer than iori’s, but have eaten supers after landing the first hit (and messing up the rest of the combo)? also from some ranges the first punch will hit while the second misses, thus creating… problems. from my meager experience with him so far, id rate rc rekkas like a 6.5.
The jab one is safe from a distance, say the block,,, jab rekka. I don’t think anything but reversal supers and very fast LONG pokes (vega’s mp) can hit him. Kyo’s mp rekka can be hit by numerous things,ex. hoah, Sagat st.fp, Vega, Iori c.rh, Yama st.rh, etc. His rekkas aren’t hard to do, so practice it because if you mess up your fucked, never do the second or third rekkas. The jab one is as safe as Iori’s. RC rekkas are ok, but RC qcf+lk,k is probably his best, which set-up a lvl 2 or 3 super, but even that RC is ok, mostly anti-fire ball because his RC’s go foward so much. RC uppercut goes about HALF screen, but is mainly used to uppercut straight up jumps. RC overhead is ok, not to useful, RC running grab is good to go through fire balls or anti-air (I would stick to his dp). RC dp+k is good anti-air at a distance or for straight up jumps. You should be missing the rekkas anyway as long as you combo it, I never do a rekka outside a combo, unless RC, which I don’t use with Kyo anyway, he doesn’t need them.
Kyo v. Geese
Heh, I didn’t want to start another thread so might as well keep this one alive.
Anyone know how to approach this match? God damn, I hate this matchup almost as much as I hate playing against Chun-Li. Anyways, my thoughts on this is that Kyo gets severly zoned out with Shinpukkens and totally gets out poked by Geese. Kyo absolutely DIES to good fireball zoners IMO as the whole point with Kyo is to get close. The only things that have been working well for me so far are low-jumps and baiting counters. And even then it’s an uphill battle. Any thoughts?