Kuroda Interview by Shueisha's Weekly Playboy Magazine

97 Has a rep for being one of the most broken but fun of the KOF titles. I wonder if he mained Terry.

That’s the 2P color from the WW SNES days, right? URDLYB(I always pressed A too. YBA) Mirror match now possible!

Yeah, some old ones transferred to SF3 didn’t look as good. Palette editing could fix some of that, maybe?

& Roundhouse is the most sick. You don’t want a clean white gi with blue streaks in your hair.
Knowledge built up in that brown one like you hear for belts. Gets darker as you get better/learn more.

Same series, this time Kuroda (Q) vs Tominaga (Makoto) FT10:

but ultradavid said this matchup is 9-1 makoto.
‘it’s kuroda’ isn’t an excuse.

an acceptable excuse is 'this is third strike.'
thanks for the links hismit :slight_smile:


Q vs Mak isn’t his worst matchup. It’s just an American urban legend.

ya that was my point.
american urban legend lol

Yeah, Alex is clearly his worst matchup. Am I right fellas? High five!

I dunno, when I watch TM vs Mimora it looks pretty bad

either way exciting to see more from king kuroda


Alex gets him in the corner but he’s not nearly as scary as Makoto.

Do I remember Kuroda losing SBO to this matchup? Yeah I think around 09… To a Boss maybe…

Might not be the* worst* matchup but I don’t see how this isn’t an uphill battle for Q. Great set anyways!!

it was vs Momochi.

Yeah I can’t tell if it’s the matchup vs Makoto or that the regular players of Japan have caught up to Kuroda. I’d definitely like to see a new FT10 that most people generally agree is 5-5 before I come to any rash conclusions.

I was under the impression that he plays more SF4 than 3S these days anyway. Maybe it’s a combo of being rusty and other players catching up.

You can clearly see from the matches that the things Kuroda does are inhuman. The matchup is difficult and tominaga is no slouch. The way tominaga plays is very janken (rps) and played keep away.

No ones caught up to him lol

ocd post,i guess

it is worth noting that there is an alternative upload for both gachi sets where players are commentating the action
i’m sure uncle K is dropping that knowledge as always

vs cogliao


vs tomi



and a couple extra matches vs cogliao,as far as i know they are not part of the gachi


some guy elsewhere [eventhubs] translated part 2 and 4 of kuroda’s blog / interview / column
might as well post it here

pt 2

pt 4

translated pt 2

translated pt 4

he told me / us several of those stories ;
personally,i was particularly interested in snk anecdotes - being a huge neo geo fan and all
i still regret not playing him @ kof 98 but the button layout for kof at versus is dreadful

oh,i just remembered another one :
there’s this weird but super strong guilty gear player called ogawa
won tougeki a few times and all that,eddie user
well,kuroda told me that ogawa didn’t discover some of the best combos / setups himself
it was actually kuroda who came up with those and then graciously showed them to him é_é

and,finally,because now this is pretty much the official kuroda thread…
guess not many people know he actually qualified for tougeki in samurai spirits zero (2005)
a shameful defeat in the first round,decimated by the usual yoshitora bullshit :\


Wow, he played Samurai Shodown too, eh? I wonder if he played V SP which is the fixed version of the V. WTF is up with the Hanzo’s player’s name there?

Kuroda doesn’t play the nerve game. That was what made him my favorite player from the start. He doesn’t throw you off your game, he’s just really good at his.

I have to disagree. The impression I always got that he is mostly always playing the nerve and mind games with his opponent. He’ll sit most of the match in the corner holding down back. To me that’s like saying “I’m just gonna sit in the corner and no matter what you pull, I’m gonna get you for it. You may as well walk away”.

The Ogawa story might be true. Kuroda’s known for being a former Guilty Gear player and innovated various Eddie combos.