But i have to investigate what happens when he VTC his ex tackle, maybe it will work as a pseudo OS that will only activate if there is no superflash, or you will give him a free ch into aegis combo
I’m not sure regular counters work on the EX Tackle thing, you need the EX version
No you don’t. Regular counter works.
Characters that have a strong fireball game really trouble Kolin right now.
I think you need to turtle a little more and reply on your normals to get in.
But I’m really lost on which normals to count on.
What are her best buttons to get things started in neutral?
I think I’ve seen normal counter, too, yeah. Can’t reproduce it in training mode though so the timing seems to be really strict. EX is definitely a lot easier to pull off.
There’s supposed to be a 9 frame gap in the ex tackle.
But the thing is, the gap closes the further away urien is. So at point blank the gap is 9 frames, at near max range the gap is much smaller, at absolute max range uriens ex tackle only hits once.
EX tackle becomes a loose block string at close ranges.
Dhalsim seems to be a really good match up for Kolin. Her vskill really shines against him.
On the other hand, Kolin really struggles against characters like Laura and R.Mika.
Mika isn’t half bad. You can both counter and V-Skill her Drop Kick and lots of Mika players rely on that to get in. Fireball, b.HK and cr.MK can keep her at bay. And if she gets you cornered you can kinda get out with your V-Reversal if they aren’t looking for it.
Laura on the other hand can be devastating. I’ve been playing her for months and know her tricks but I still haven’t found a reliable way to beat her as Kolin. Something I’ve tried with some success is countering low after getting hit with LP Bolt which in turn means they will go for the command grab more often which in turn means you can punish her hard if you see it coming. But that’s all mindgames and hardly a reliable strategy.
I haven’t ran into a Sim yet with Kolin. How does the match up go?
V-skill, V-skill, V-skill.
Dead Sim
Want some insanely good Urien MU tech?
Meaty cr.mk low profiles his EX Headbutt.

Want some insanely good Urien MU tech?
Meaty cr.mk low profiles his EX Headbutt.
I need to lab up against that EX Headbutt. I’m sure we could implement some kind of OS against Urien.
Having some major trouble against Akuma.
My tiny brain can’t keep up with all of his options, even if Kolin has some great escape/counter options.
Wake-up EX Vanity Step/V-reversal should shut down his pressure, but it still feels like an uphill battle.
I’m spending all my meter and his neutral/escape options are still better.
Not saying it’s not 5-5, but it definitely isn’t 5-5.
I feel like it is a 5-5 battle but it feels a little odd to play against akuma. I believe a once in a blue moon ex counter and using skill on some of his slower pokes should keep him honest. About urien…I think this needs to be tested more but if you do a meaty cr.mk so if he decides to do a reversal, it is possible to react to a reversal.
The thing I hate most about Akuma is air fireball. I like to catch him on the way down with light EX Vanity Step into follow-up since it does massive damage to him, but I hate having to rely on meter for it. If anyone has a better way to deal with that stuff I’m all ears.
Anything else I just try to be patient on defense and hope I can punish a mistake sooner or later. Because one combo into V-Trigger usually leaves him at a spot where your next hit stuns him and after that it’s usually Game Over.
I’d say it’s slightly in his favor but his low health and stun means a comeback is never far off for Kolin.
…speaking of fireballs, I can’t beat good Ryus or Guiles. It’s like Russia has an aversion against projectiles or something but then again I feel like even Gief has better anti-fireball tools than Kolin. Even with meter you can’t really punish them on reaction.
Guile is the bane of my existence. A good Guile keeps me locked down so much that I spend literally 3/4 of the game inching forward slowly and blocking.
I find that even EX Vanity Step struggles due to guile’s v-skill fireball tagging you on the back after I go through it. I have had some success using Hailstorm to cancel the boom and buy some time, but that only works if Guile is hanging back. At that point it’s literally “get in c.mk range” and then go for an tag into VT, but I’m not even sure if c.mk low-profiles booms (I don’t think it does)
The Zangief matchup is impossible. She has extremely stubby normals and Zangief can easily just rush her down and stop everything with lariat.
Hailstorm, back HK, cr.HP, cr.MK.
Vanity Step and double jump for ambiguity and escapes.
Nah, she’s good.
Kind of reminds me of the Cody - Gief matchup.
What to do against Akuma?
Can’t seem to do much against him.
He seems to get in for free with his air-fireball and he’s hard to anti-air because he can alter his jump arc.