KOFXIV DLC's Leaked list


I need ash back

If there’s no Elisabeth, B. Jenet or Shen then fml.

Wish they put Rock in!

I would like Duck,Rock and Mr karate but i guess takuma will do. maybe some DLC stages

Glad to see Vanessa is coming back but why no Shermie? Hoping we get her by the time the pc edition comes out.


I’ll believe it when I see it. If it is true though between this and the default roster does SNK have a beef with Falcoon now or what?

I read in another topic; they might add Yashiro, well if that’s happening, might as well add back the entire New Face Team, Orochi and all.

I’m still happy though they didn’t scrap Shingo, guy was busted back in '98.

Yamazaki, that is all.

DEV 1: Latin America feels underrepresented
PRODUCER: Throw in more Brazilian fighters

Just give me back waifu Shermie please. :expressionless:
Waifu Angel is not enough alone :expressionless:

I warned …

You said that Bao looks older (teenager), but if you check the ending of Psycho Soldier Team he looks the same, nothing changed, can you explain that?!

As I said before, the DLCs were not right, they depended on the success of the game, after some time the ideas were a bit modified, as is the case with Bao. These first 4 characters are a new test of the market, if they are well received, they will open the doors for the others to also be released

What other information can you tell us about SNK’s plan with KOFXIV?!

Michael Jordan does not know anything XD

Well that makes two of you.