98 is what we call a Dream Match. Typically at the end of a story saga, SNK will throw the canon out the window for a game to make a dream match. This game will not be held to the rules of the story, so characters who are dead/too young can join and characters that aren’t in the KoF timeline can jump in because none of that matters. That’s one of the big reasons these games are so popular, they generally try to get in as many fan favorites as they can, but also because it’s the end of the saga they additionally tend to be more balanced and well designed because they had several games to adjust to the changes to the engine and such.
I have all three on stream but only tried to play 02 online. That game is a ghost town. The netcode wasn’t good enough to sustain a community. The handful of times I played online there was heavy lag. A few times it turned the game into a slideshow.
Yamazaki and Billy shared a hospital room after the events of 2003.
Then Billy was rejuvenated when he put on his old overalls again, fresh out of the washing and drying machine (Thanks Lily!). The power of Snuggle Soft brought Billy back.