If you think Arthur is comparable to Dark Phoenix, then I don’t know what to say to you. Dark Phoenix has a slide, overhead, airdash, instant flight overheads, and above all, her feathers makes any button you press extremely risky and it keeps you in constant blockstun so if you land, you have to stay standing longer. Besides that, in case you haven’t heard, cornering yourself and holding upback is a way to fight Dark Phoenix, its just that it is not a guaranteed counter to it like it is with Arthur.
Also note how Dark Arthur didn’t kill a single character. Had he known that my timer was up, he would have dashed up and easily OTG with Doom.
Ok, lets say he chose not to rush and didn’t land that combo, lets say I don’t end up killing Spencer. Timer’s up, Arthur’s dead with a wire grapple OTG. Lets say I DO kill Spencer, there is not enough time to finish off Doom if he just holds upback, and he would be a few hops away from OTG’ing with st.M, and I’m dead again.
Against a smart player, I don’t expect him to do shit. As in my sig, that was my original squad, the one I started playing Ultimate with. When I won my first tourny with him, I was ready to ride or die with him no matter what. However, after playing smart players (like Dios X and ChrisG) who actually know how to counter him, I realized that Anchor Arthur was just a gimmick, and he would be a liability if I kept him on my team. I play to win, so I play characters who have multiple options in many scenarios, not just j.S, chip, and not be that good of a character once XF runs out and you’re all by yourself. And the biggest fault that Gold Armor has and Silver doesn’t is that Game Over timer. I don’t want to make any assumptions, but it seems like you play players that don’t know how to counter him, and still rush Arthur down when there is a sure-fire way to beat him.
Now a question for you: Since you say upback, pushblocking, and saving XF isn’t an effective way to completely eliminate Dark Arthur, please tell me, how are you going to hit me? While other Dark Anchors have teleports, ground dashes, and self mixups AND are viable without XF AND don’t have a ticking time bomb, what are you going to do to stop me from upbacking and pushblocking whatever you do and kill you when you’re timer runs out? I’ve listed the ways you aren’t gonna hit me, so please tell me that.