KKK as the neighborhood watch? I only wish I were trolling

The KKK being allowed to exist is reason enough why the US is just plain dumb. Id rather see guys like this in jail, not making sure my street is safe. Imagine if the Black Panthers were still about and they wanted to go out on patrol? The Gov would drone strike em.

PA really is becoming Florida North.


You aren’t from this country, are you?

The KKK is allowed to exist because in the U.S. we believe all speech should be free. They have a right to assemble and the right to spew hateful shit. So do the Black Panthers, who still exist btw. In fact, the last time I saw the Black Panthers they were steadfastly intimidating voters on an election night a few years ago to, “vote for the black guy or gtfo.” We should be free to decide which speech to listen to and which we think is dumb. That leads to a lot of stupid shit, sure, but at least we have the freedom to decide for ourselves.

Stay free, rest of the world.

I thought the KKK was labeled a terrorist organization in the states and forced to disband. Could be entirely wrong about that though.

Eh…the KKK isn’t one single entity. Its a bunch of small local groups that share some core beliefs. there are a lot of groups (some national, some state, some local and not all affiliated with each other) that still operate. On top of it all they argue about philosophical differences between each other.

Yeah, hate groups aren’t all that simple. Who would’ve thought?

The Black Panthers are fucked, I saw the movie. Maybe they have a few guys rolling with the nation of Islam or whatnot but those guys are done. Also free speech? Cant even swear on live TV. Also freedom of speech being a reason for the toleration of far right racists is still dumb as fuck.

They were disbanded, then reformed. The days of random trailer park racist are gone. What’s left of them frown upon white trash. I don’t care if they exist but I wouldn’t give them a responsibility that they can exploit. I ain’t bias, I wouldn’t trust the Black Panthers with this either.

Would you leave a fat kid around cake?

The funny thing is that the Black Panthers were a reaction by members of the black community feeling unsafe and that the government/police were against them (since this was post civil rights USA, they weren’t wrong. That and the FBI openly admitted years later to heavily spying on the Black Panthers). While they were violent, they were a reaction to an oppressive and racist society that didn’t like blacks.

The KKK was made as a result of racist, southern whites resisting the federal government’s “evil” attempts to make blacks equal after the Civil War and during the Reconstruction period. They generally were people who wanted the old, aristocratic South back, which is funny/sad since most of the KKK was made up of PWT who had only a tiny bit more social power than the blacks they hated. Unlike the Black Panthers, the KKK was created for the sole purpose of putting blacks “in their place” and killing people who disagreed with them, the Black Panthers were more about promoting black rights and getting restitution for black Americans.

TL;DR Black Panthers = Made because of oppression, inequality and reaction to racism. KKK = Made because of ignorance, promotion of racism and xenophobia.

These organizations aren’t the same nor should they be compared as such. The current Black Panthers are a bunch of kids with guns who founding members of the first Black Panther party have openly stated they have no relation to. These kids aren’t about black rights, they’re more about being a street gang with the name of the Black Panthers at their backs.

Also, one can have hate speech laws and free speech, it’s very easy. Look at France, the UK and many European nations.

we certainly wouldn’t want people prejudging someone just cause they are in the KKK. you never know, it might be good KKK :bluu:

Free speech with “hate speech” laws is not free speech. Euros living under such laws are only fooling themselves with that nonsense.

free speech alao tolerates the idiocy spewed from the far left.

its dumb as fyck, but its even stupider to allow such speech to be banned. the governmwnt and the majority do not have the right to ban speech because it hurts peoples feelings. speech doesn’t infringe on your rights. the actions themselves which have a real consequence on others should. and that’s why those laws that lumit acts of racism or discrimination exist.

It means they can say what they want but its still a crime to go out of your way to hurt someone. For example that crazy cleric Hamza that tried to incite UK Muslims into terrorism, he has the freedom of to say what he wants but when he started to try and rally people to go nuts the UK gov fucked him over and shipped his sorry ass to the US to face terrorism charges. Dunno if he did any of the shit they are charging him with lol but yea, this is how you handle it.

God forbid I act like I know because I’ve spent time researching hate groups. If it makes you feel better, I’ve also spent hella time researching this community. whenever I correct some bullshit that’s said about it, I basically the same comment you just gave. Ain’t that some shit?

Edit: Calling them hate group is kind of fucking weird since some of the the whole 1488 thing doesn’t apply to all of them. Some of them actually have no problem with other “races” other than wanting their grand children to be white. Turns out they are real people. If I am going to accept the validity of all sorts of sub cultures and random shit, then I have to similarly accept that all the parts of these groups that is spent together as people would eventually lead to a culture of their own. I have no problem with this but it sure as fuck makes some people bleed out of the ass like Niagara.

i thought that was new jersey

it would seem from the pictures that the KKK groups are not as menacing as they once may have been. a bunch of old fat white men won’t cause too much trouble, and i really doubt they would shoot anyone. after all, many of them have children and/or grandchildren to worry about.

i’d be more concerned with the neo-nazi movements taking place. these are skinhead type groups that actively recruit younger people and routinely carry out acts of violence. larger scale gang organizations like this can take over entire towns like the Salvadorean gang, MS-13 has done in parts of south america.

I’ll bet some of em even like rap, but is there any incarnation of the KKK that doesn’t have some kind of racial insularity as their key value? I find pickiness over the ethnicity of your grandchildren to be kind of racist. Definitely not at the level of lynching racist, but still racism.

The way I look at it, if you’re truly not racist but a member of some version of the KKK, then you are offensively stupid for thinking you won’t be judged as a racist asshole and/or thinking you could re-appropriate the KKK name to something besides racism.

The segregation part of it is package between all groups. Kind of funny that you say pickiness over the ethnicity of grandchildren is kind of racist; if it is then Mohammed Ali was hella racist too:


Fast forward to 20:25

Thing about those groups is that some portion of them want oppression of the lesser colors, others simply want to enjoy their white heritage without people giving them shit, others want segregation and don’t believe in miscegenation. All that being said, the really scary ones are the militant groups. Those are the ones that go around talking about RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) and the incoming race war. Its the militant groups that now do all the fucking crazy shit. Russia, for example, has some very active militant racists groups that go around beating up immigrants and making videos of them beating the people up.

On the real though, blacks are probably the most racists of all the people in the U.S. After that its probably asians (although here in El Paso we have nice Korean shop owners that speak spanish amazingly well :rofl:). This isn’t to say that I’d be okay with the KKK openly doing neighborhood watch. Groups always have their jackass and while they may not be the violent type of association, there’s plenty of violent narrative (books, music, fucking podcasts) that criss cross amongst these groups. Shit, Timothy McVeigh had read the Turner Diaries (book written by a huge white power guy) and he wasn’t part of one of the groups.



:rofl: Damn you. I almost wasted my drink all over this cheap ass computer.

LOL. Kinda like that. Reverse discrimination. Looked good on paper, but once it was put into practice? Well, you see what’s happened.


Sorry for ignoring this thread.

Oh, yeah? Aren’t those the same countries that will send police to your house because you post something on Twitter; if you offend someone with speech you will be charged with a crime and liable for punitive damages; or how a country wants to forget its role in causing an entire world war by banning anything associated with that time?

Any restriction is awful. Allowing those opinions to be out in the open gives the people a chance to beat them into the ground. If you put restrictions on publicly airing your beliefs, you’re just giving these people a reason to stay underground where differing opinions can’t pierce through. By then, you’ll have people who have cemented their beliefs and won’t change. What good is that?

Let all speech out. You do not have the right to go through life without offense. And, believe me, that’s a good thing.