Kitchener/Waterloo Thread 2011

GGs to everyone tonight. I had fun even though I got trounced.

3v3 team tourney







Are you in Hamilton? I need local people to play casuals with, lol.

GG’s last night everyone :smiley:
lol robbie, this is a sign maybe its time to get a new stick lollll

lol yeah as you know it is currently in the works…

my dual mod hori is fixed now.

AE is crap. You won’t rekindle anything but boredom.

happy belated Pat

omg it was Patricks birthday?! HAPPY BELATED PATRICK LOOFUS

shouldve said so last night pat! wouldve bought ya a drink :slight_smile:
happy belated pat

Hey happ bday pat… ill eat some salad for you

Happy Birthday, Patrick.

ok guys, pricing for food and beverages

Pop $1.00
Water $1.00
Snacks $1.00
Iced Tea $2.00
Red Bull $3.00

lol Gary’s shameless advertising last night

“Hey guys look we’re all stocked up!”


lol did you like how i opened the door and posed beside it too? lolll

yeah that was the main selling point. The redbull gave me so much power! PSYCHO POWER

psycho power is a good name for a drink


no one posted this yet?


They did make street fighter energy drinks. Green apple is called sonic boom, fruit punch is… well… dragon punch.

p.s. that danceable song sounds like timbaland wrote it. dunno if it’s just me but melody sounds like EVERYTHING he writes. =S

We’ve been having daily casuals every weekday night and all day on the weekends, so you can always drop by on a weeknight or weekend and join us. We should have a stream as well in the next couple of days.

My advice for starting with the game is:

  1. Learn some basic 5000+ damage combo for your character(s), like (crouching) A B C xx some special xx some super. That’ll give you something to aim for in a match.
  2. Start experimenting with the Arcana button (E), which is basically your 4th attack button. Over time, you can learn what abilities the 23 different Arcanas give you.
  3. Start experimenting with the Homing button (D), the most important button in the game. The better you can use it, the more options you’ll have on both offense and defense.

If you have any questions, there’s a topic for Southern Ontario AH3 where you can ask whatever and I’ll do my best to answer it.