You use some very odd terminology. What you explained with the sagat example is you BUFFERing the qcb motion DURING the lk your not doing qcb+lk because if you were you’d be getting a standing lk’s, which don’t link. So with King you buffer the first part of the hcb during the 2nd lk and then press the 3rd lk during the motion. I would recommend you press and HOLD the lk on the 3rd hit so that you do not accidentally get hb+lk because of the negative edge.
There are no easy verifiable ways to combo into mirage kick. I say ‘easy’ because the easiest IMO is a 2-frame link which I still miss a lot and it’s only on counterhit.
From an earlier post:
This one is easy to hitconfirm and you don’t have to be right next to them
Counterhit c.lp, xx qcb+hp (2 frame link)
ok thanx man and everyone else that helpd in this thread and yes i do use weird terminology or w/e u said lol cuz imma marvel vs capcom 2 player and im usd to jus doin one qcf then a special move comes out so its hard for me well thx everyone late
Too bad the only King thread in a long time died down.
I am working on recording enough King material to make a small tut/demo video. So, if I do ever finish it, make sure to download it.
I’d also like to say two things about King. First of all, her FB is not very good on paper. It is worse than Ryu’s and yet I find it a lot more useful than his. After a punch throw midscreen I normally cover techrolls with hcb+hk. But a nice thing to try vs tech-roll grooves would be to throw a lk Venom Strike asap and run after it (N-groove). In case they tech-roll you are actually still in control (to a certain extent). If they jump or roll you can punish them easily. If they do some super to go through the fb you’ll be able to react (because of super-freeze) and roll on time. I suppose RC’s are the nastiest thing to deal with. If they block, who cares.
If they don’t tech roll you have time enough to be close enough for when the Venom Strike hits quite meaty. You can combo from a afterwards into tornado kick. Yes! Tornado kick! Like most fb’s, Venom Strike stands an opponent up when it hits.
Second thing; meaty is good but not so easy to use as Sagat’s c.hp. You can and most likely WILL screw this up. umm, let me rephrase… “I screw this up a lot”. I came up with some setups for it though.
lv1 trapshot super->mk tornado kick->
btw, reversal super/dp > all meaties
comboing from a meaty is not very hard most of the time, but for the second setup be very cautious, as it will only work on crouching or fat characters (unless in the corner in which case it will allways work). You can get it on some thin characters but the timing is stricter.
If you want to combo into the mirage kick, why don’t you just try meaty s mk or random c mk poke. Of course, the hit confirm is only one hit, so yeah, point taken. But it’s still possible to combo into the mirage kick.
It’s not as useful for combo enders, imo, as it is for rc’ing through someone’s poke.
P.S.: Zen, PM me or something when you get the vid up, I’d like to see it :karate: