King of ggpo 2012 - king of winter

Oops, that’s fixed now. Thanks Digital!

koo :slight_smile:

Got some clean videos uploaded. Should be up by tomorrow once I label em. quality is soooo gooodddd

Why am I listed as being from the US in the roster?

I’m pretty sure I would have put Canada when I registered.

I can have that corrected today sir!

Just finished uploading HQ versions of THE KING OF GGPO WINTER EDITION: <-- playlist here

make sure to comment and subscribe guyssss

Omg, cant beleive that happened…

Drunk Sabin commentary is the best! Good shit to everyone who played.

Some King of GGPO love:

Dont forget, round 2 is tomorrow night! Sign up if you haven’t yet. :slight_smile:

I’ll most likely forfeit tonight, I’m tired and I don’t think there is anyway I can stay up for the end of the tournament, probably won’t be able to see the beginning either.

Congratulations to Marsgatti for winning Round 2 of KING OF WINTER and qualifying for the King of Winter FINALS on February 24th.


1st - **Marsgatti **(Guile / O. Guilie)
2nd - Hyphenated (Fei Long)
3rd - stevetren (Ryu)
4th - TheMexicutioner (T. Hawk)
5th - yito2k (Dhalsim)
5th - DigitalInfamy (Ryu)
7th - Nepthall (O. Hawk)
7th - Technical Monkey (Chun-Li)


Mars, the god! Thanks for the update, Kuroppi!

That was a fun tourney. The level of play on GGPO is insanely good now! So many top players bringing it!

Video playlist for KING OF WINTER - ROUND 2

Sabin should be uploading videos as well in the coming days, which will have commentary from CigarBoB!

Registration is now OPEN for Round 3 on February 17th @10PM PST/1AM EST. This is the last chance to qualify for the FINALS!

Thanks for everyone who entered. Yesterday was fun and the stream was awesome.

To all participants for the next tournament, you can follow the bracket to play your matches in the first few rounds in the bracket.
But please wait for signals in the later rounds so Sabin can stream your matches.

Why did you put that I lost 0-2? Didn’t even play. I randomly got locked out of ggpo and I haven’t been able to sign on since. I think I got banned. I wasn’t toggling between afk, I’m not a retard, but I did go from afk to available to play my match and suddenly I got logged out, I only did it once. It’s funny how I was the one who wanted sesho banned for that annoying shit more than anyone but now I can’t even fucking play because of it. PEACE OUT GGPO SEE YOU AT THE NEXT SERVER RESET IN 2020

PS: resetting my modem and such did not work, different account didn’t work, thanks anyways, FUCKING FUCK

PPS: good shit mars

PPPS: bob made the stream hype as fuck, shit went on for like 7 hours. I went to bed at like 4:15 just because of the stream. Floe blowing up was awesome. best stream ever

ultra I think challonge used to let you set the score as 0:0 and pick a winner but for some reasons it forced me to put in a > 0 score.

Forget to mention since kuroppi didn’t emphasize it.
For round 3 this coming Friday February 17th, there will be NO last minute signup on GGPO.
You have to register through the website.

Also,** please show up 15 minutes before the tournament to confirm your spot**.
*** 9:45 PM PST, 10:45 PM MST, 11:45 PM CST, 12:45 AM EST ***

We cannot put your name on the bracket if you don’t show up on ggpo 15 minutes prior.
Tournament will start on time. We cannot wait for late comers.

LOL Karma

Glad my connection behaved this time. Sad that I lost to Mars (again). And I was wondering why the hell the stream archive was like 12 hours long and then I started watching and the old man stories started.

And then I understood. Old man stories are godlike. Please get watts in there next time! I may be considered “5th generation”, but I’m still loving all the stories. I still have 5 or 6 hours more to listen.
Old man stories + ST gameplay = winning combination