Another great turnout! Thanks to everyone for participating. Big thanks to Sabin for the stream, Papasi for his help running the tournament and Zaspacer for helping run the brackets.
Damdai joins Jark04 in the KING OF SUMMER FINALS next Friday!
Please note the EARLIER start time of 8PM PST. Please show up at least 15 minutes before the start of the tournament to confirm your participation or you will be DISQUALIFIED.
The KING OF SUMMER FINALS will follow immediately after the conclusion of the end of the Round 3 tournament.
Wow, I’m retarded… I just realixed today that I went 3 hours the wrong way to get 5est instead of 11 est when I said I bmight not make it… ill make it for sure…
jarek & damdai . Please remember to show up at around 9pm PST / 12 am EST
Last minute signup will close at 7:45 pm PST!
Please don’t wait until the last moment
Please follow instruction from tourney organizers on chat. (ggpo chat can be chaotic at times with 10+ ppl talking)
Follow the bracket and instruction on when to start your match. (as you approach top 8 winners losers, most likely every match will get streamed)
If your match is going to be streamed, please get connected and wait for confirmation that streamer has entered your game.
Once streamer got in, both players should go to the lobby (first room in the ggpo game list on the left). This will ensure that no more spectators can get in to introduce lags to your match
Congratulations to Evoralph for winning KING OF GGPO 2012 SUMMER!
Evoralph qualified tonight by winning Round 3 of KING OF SUMMER and went on to defeat Jarek04 and Damdai in the KING OF SUMMER GRAND FINALS.
AfroLegends, yito2k, and Evoralph have qualified for the KING OF GGPO 2012 Finals in December. The last qualifying spot will be determined at KING OF GGPO FALL which takes place in November.
Thank you to everyone who participated and special thanks to Sabin for the stream and Papasi and Zaspacer for helping run the tournament.
I always thought that everyone on King of GGPO (organizing and playing) knew that this tournament is just for fun and to promote ST, because obviously it’s just an online tournament. Everyone has to deal with lag, unexpected things and people who doesn’t know how to follow instructions…
The first time i entered a King of GGPO tournament, was last year (the 1st one) and i remember that i was worried to give a poor show to the spectators, i didn’t even thought of winning it, my only thought and concern was trying to give a good show. Do you know what has changed since then? Nothing, i still try to give a good show, so maybe, maybe… someone in the stream will watch it and say “hey! this old ass game looks pretty fun and interesting!” and maybe that person will hook up to the game, download GGPO or find an arcade near his house to play ST, and be the next alex valle or the next ritual (everybody wins right? right!?).
I just wanted to say that this last round was the best round of King of GGPO i’ve played for many reasons. And i wanted to thank all the organizers for endure the trolls and make this happen.
Kuroppi, Papasi, Zas, Sabin, you don’t have the need to spend your time on this, but you do, and i thank you for that.