King of ggpo 2012 - king of spring

** if you want to enter, please register NOW **

for those who have registered, please show up on ggpo right now.

kuroppi will be making bracket

congrats to mexecutioner for winning

congrats to papercut for winning with the character you’ve been practicing at super arcade. i’m sure i’m not the only one at the arcade that was surprised at how well you’ve been playing chun lately.

Congratulations to The Mexicutioner (DNGR S PAPERCUT) for winning KING OF SPRING Round 1! He advances to the KING OF SPRING Finals on May 26th.

Round 2 is next Saturday at 7PM PST / 10PM EST.

  1. The Mexicutioner (T. Hawk / Chun-Li)
  2. Real Decoy (Blanka)
  3. Mad_Zero (E. Honda)
  4. Immortal (Claw)
  5. Kyouya (Dictator)
  6. S4V (O. Ryu / O. Ken)
  7. StiffPeter (Dictator / O. Sagat / Guile)
  8. Unessential (Chun-Li)


Videos should be up tomorrow. Thanks to Sabin for streaming. Papasi for running the brackets. And Damdai and Mizuki for commentary.



Congrats to papercut for taking it.

He surprised us with his “alt” character play and fooled me to think that someone else is playing behind his screen name.
There was even a little drama post match with me accusing him getting help from someone.
I apologize for the accusation. But man nobody see that coming.

Also if you guys didn’t watch the top 8. Be sure to check out kyouya vs mad zero’s loser matches.
Some crazy hype gamespot versus shit there.

Round 2 this coming saturday again. Please register and be there on time at 7pm PST / 10pm EST.

  1. Kyouya
  2. demons666
  3. johndracula
  4. Hyphen-ated
  5. StiffPeter
  6. Dogboy
  7. TheFragile
  8. GREEK
  9. Moonchilde
  10. Emperor Bohe
  11. DBT_Justin
  12. GeneiJin87
  13. CigarGirl
  14. superdood1
  15. endlesss
  17. jenni lee
  18. yito2k
  19. Nephtall
  20. Real Decoy
  21. Unessential
  22. Player 2
  23. furntree

Good stuff to everyone. Sorry for running a bit late. My stream archive already on the front page of SRK now. Good shit to Bob and papasi as usual

Sorry I missed the first round, life happened. I want to register for this saturday, though…

Add me if there is room please.

Decoy, please register here:

Shoot, I may or may not make it. 8 PM is going to be cutting it close to me getting off work, if I don’t show just disqualify.

Round 2 tonight with “colorful” commentary from cigarbob, ganelon and sabin.

If you haven’t registered or you don’t see your name below, please register now

People who registered, please show up on time at 7PM PST 10PM EST

  1. Kyouya
  2. demons666
  3. johndracula
  4. Hyphen-ated
  5. StiffPeter
  6. Dogboy
  7. TheFragile
  8. GREEK
  9. Moonchilde
  10. Emperor Bohe
  11. DBT_Justin
  12. GeneiJin87
  13. CigarGirl
  14. superdood1
  15. endlesss
  17. jenni lee
  18. yito2k
  19. Nephtall
  20. Real Decoy
  21. Unessential
  22. Player 2
  23. furntree

Spectator, please follow the stream at

Congratulations to yito2k for winning KING OF SPRING Round 2! He advances to the KING OF SPRING Finals on May 26th.

Round 3 is next Saturday at 7PM PST / 10PM EST. The FINALS will follow immediately after the conclusion of round 3.


11 spectators in that last match.

Fucken assholes.

Hey go ahead and add me to the list for this coming Saturday night! :slight_smile:

Uhhh i have a GED. What time is that central?

Central is two hours ahead of Pacific, so when it’s 7 pm Pacific time, it’s 9 pm Central time.

Guys, last round and grand final 3 way FT10 this Saturday 7PM PST 10PM EST.
Please sign up!

(rekkaken, you need to use the link below)

Papercut and yito, please remember to show up for the FT10!

Thx papasi. Hopefully I can make it

Do i have to say this on every king of… all playas are free!, tx bye.

pd: im done, I am not going to register anymore, a.hOle…s

Round 3 + grand final tonight with commentary from cigarbob and sabin.

If you haven’t registered or you don’t see your name below, please register now

People who registered + papercut and yito2k, please show up on time at 7PM PST 10PM EST

Real Decoy
Spectator, please follow the stream at