King of fighters 99

I was talking to Tech and 99 came up so yeah BUMP.

-What’s the point of fwd+AB, A/B/C/D? This attack worth anything at all?
-K’… can he combo Iron trigger from low B/A? I tried it myself but no success so I was hoping I screwed up.
-How do you apply strikers here? Kyo style said that Yuri is the best striker because you can connect a DM.
-What’s the thought on K’? Decent? Strong? Ass?
-Kyo’s HCB+D. This move… Does it have any kind of perk at all? Surely a move so damn well telegraphed has something going for it? Invul frames? Passes through FBs?
-No reason to ever use back+A+B?

-no point… u cant combo with that so it’s just a roll+attack
-i tried sometimes but i cant get it working… it doesnt connect to me
-u have to use the strikers before a combo (not like 2000,2001). They are more or less all useless (some are good if ur opponent jump towards u (ex. chang) or he/she is a moron).
-i think K’ is less strong than 2000,2001,2k2,2k3 and so on. And i think he’s a little bit slower
-u cant combo HCB+D , but u can combo HCB+B , and if i m not mistaken u can super cancel HCB+B with qcfx2+C (in counter mode)
-no reason to use back roll… u always get fucked

i play this only with a russin guy and it’s still fun although the strikers are useless most of the time

I actually quite like 99, the game is pretty broken and the system doesn’t really make much sense (going from 98 to 99) but it was one of the last KOF games i played properly before taking a break from KOF games.

I used the entire Psycho Soldier team.

Kensou has an infinite in the corner, also if i remember correctly on block his dp+P can’t be escaped so if they have no gauge to guard C+D you can keep them locked in guard.

Bao in counter mode is ridiculous.

Athena gives you back health as a striker.

and Chin being Chin is always a skank.

Also used Choi, Chin, Bao and Athena (striker) as a team, whom i referred to as the midget team. :wgrin:

1- In Counter mode you can cancel the extra A/B/C/D attack for a special move…
2 - He can’t
3 - Yeah Yuri is one of the best, also Clark is pretty good too, can juggle a DM, is fast and has good reach, for Yuri, you need to be near the corner, i preffer Clark myself or leona for like OTG combos
4 - K is solid, but hes better in other games.
5 - Only useful for combos and they are hard to get down, like to Kasumi one…
6 - It is useful at all, you can cancel the back A+B with a special move, pretty good actually, look at it like in 3s, the back and forth dash technique, good for AA long jumps, pressure, etc… im now sure but i think you have some invincible frames while backhoping, need to check that…

1- didnt know that… but if u’r not in counter mode, it’s quite useless
3- yuri is very good but ,as u said, u have to be near the corner. I think that the most useful strikers are the ones who give u back some life
6- i still think it’s not really safe… i wished snk wouldnt have done such thing

1 - yeah no counter mode only does 1 hit with no follow up, im going to say situational use then, good for poking tho
3 - personally never liked those, i prefer damage over life back but yeah they are good too, CD them away and then call striker for some life back, they give you a good amount if i remember correctly… also is very anoying the ones that takes you meter down like xianfei
6 - yeah they are not safe, and i agree, was an interesting mechanic but really limited…

99 was cool for its time, but when i play it from time to time feels very slow and limited because of the striker mechanic…still there were some cool combos out of it in counter mode… which were your team? i often play with Iori, Kyo/King, Ralf and Clark as striker…

i just play it online with a guy (cant find anybody else who play this game xD) and so i usually play random. My main team would be Clark,Ralf,Choi,Robert (striker) or Clark,Ralf,Robert, random striker.
The problem is that i dont feel the game… if i ve to play a striker based kof i usually play 2000 which is much better than 99.

yeah KOF00 is definetly better, but for its time was a good change of peace but 00 hit the nail where the changes needed to be done… 99 got me good memories because i started in the tournament scene with it :slight_smile:

eheh sth i really like of kof99 is the presentation and the boss… one of the best boss the snk made (i prefer the first form though).
it’s still fun to play without glitches and stuff like that though so if somebody wants play me just hit me (i’m from italy so no chance to play asians or ppl from mexico or brasil :frowning: )


yeah the presentation is very cool, also liked the BGs, like the one when it starts raining on the second round and the last stage where it goes into the sewers… i want to play 99 now lol.

My team in 99 was Ryo(can’t play charge Robert) or Terry/King/Kyo and random striker because I didn’t know who to pick.

i never had any lag-free matches with ppl from south america :frowning:
yeah the stages were really good (the one at the chinese street but,yeah, the rain’s one was awesome). I never liked the one at the sewers also because on the corner the players get hide by the pipe -_-

I play robert like i play guile in Sf xD the throw with charge d,u a/c is really useful and u can combo with that.

Well Fiol- Joaquin Padilla of Panama has challenged me to a ft5 or so in KOF 99, so when we have Mexico vs. Panama I will (hopefully permitted I have time), record the matches and upload them to youtube for you does that work? Also the next time Mr. KOF and Alexis meet, they are going to play KOF 1999, so I will be sure to get that recorded.

oh yeah it works for sure… thx DG! :smiley:
are u going to play the OG version or the Evo?

Fiol to me it doesn’t matter each version, I will be prepared either way…I will actually have both versions.

It was the first KOF game I played for more than 10 minutes. I don’t know why but I just loved it. This was the DC version which IMO had the better soundtrack out of all the versions of the game. Don’t care what anyone says, KD-009 on the DC is the best version of that song ever. Not to mention whoever translated it made good use of the DC hardware with all the extras with strikers and graphics.

And for some reason, I was just always fond of Kasumi’s winning picture in that game. I just really really liked it.

Come to think of it, I do have a question regarding the canon for the game. Why did K and Maxima team up with Shingo and Beni?

KOF 1999 Casuals between me and MightyMar from 6-2-10:


Hope you all enjoy.


Ask MM why he puts K’ as anchor. I do the same in 00 but that’s a far superior K’ with better options for pretty good damage.

There is no reason other than the fact that NESTS set Benimaru and Shingo up, and they needed to find 2 partners for K’ and Maxima since the tournament now had teams of four instead of three for some arbitrary reason that was never explained in the story. Actually, if I recall, the “Striker” concept WAS written into the story, which is actually pretty retarded if you think about it.

My guess is that NESTS wanted the two best possible teammates for K’ and Maxima, and since obviously they knew Kyo wasn’t going to be able to team and Daimon was off fucking his wife or something, they picked the remaining KOF champion Benimaru, and Shingo who won the Singles tournament in 97’. I mean, how were they supposed to know that Shingo sucked and that the singles tournament in KOF is for scrubs who couldn’t get accepted on teams?

Here’s a better question, why was RAMON on the hero team in 2000? What is Vanessa doing scouting random Luchadores for a position as a secret agent for deadly missions?
Who the fuck are they actually working for after 2000 when Ling is dead? The MI games imply that Seth is a US federal agent for the FBI or something…then how is a Mexican pro wrestler allowed to work with the FBI? Or some random Private Investigator such as Blue Mary?

I know it’s a bunch of useless questions, and they put Mary, Ramon, and Vanessa on a team in XI because they wanted them in the game, but realistically PIs and Federal Agents aren’t close to being the same type of work.

Shiki, why can’t your posts stop being gold.