King of Fighters 13 Online Players List

SRK Handle: de BLOO
Gamertag: Hector Garfria
Console: 360
Country/Region: US, Oregon
Main team: Robert, Maxima, and Yuri

SRK Handle: ToxicSloth
PSN ID: ToxicSloth
Console: PS3
Region: Minnesota
Team: Mai, Ralf, and Hwa Jai

SRK Handle: Amun G. Osiris
XBL Tag: Kogan Gene
Region: US/Chicago
Team: Duo Lon, Elisabeth, Kim

Gamertag: Halfrohalfamazin
360 / Live
Dallas, Texas
Beni / K’ / Kim

Also play Duo / Someone from main team / Clark.

PSN ID: kimkaphan
Team: Kyo, Terry, Iori.
Sub team: Ex Iori, Mr. Karate, Shen

I’m a experienced Kof player looking for a challenge

PSN ID: LordsOfXtreme
Detroit, Michigan
Team: Ex Iori, Terry Bogard and Kyo Kusanagi
Sub Team: Ryo, Robert and Mr. Karate

I’ve been playing this game forever and when they brought this game out, they made it perfect. I play every fighting game possible but my mains are Street Fighter, Tekken, King of Fighters and Soul Calibur. Play me anytime. Thanks.

SRK Handle: lampshade09
Gamertag: lampshade09
Console: PS3
Country/Region: NorCal, USA
Main team: working on it

SRK Handle: ReeseNice
Gamertag: ReeseNice
Console(s): Xbox 360
Country/Region: USA/Philly
Main Team: Iroi(Flames), Ryo, Kyo

SRK Handle Mankat
Gamertag Salty Mankat
Console(s) 360
Country/Region Minnesota US
Main team Flame Iori/Yuri/Shen Woo

My team seems to change a lot but I am liking this right now. I don’t play that much but the main days I am on are Sunday and Monday. I am a very new player to KoF, so be easy (Though I am willing to take a challenge)

SRK Handle: rcorporon
Gamertag: Yewni
Console(s) PS3
Country/Region: Canada, Ontario
Main team: none yet

I should note that I’m just learning to play so anybody with experience will thrash me. I’m always looking to improve and don’t mind getting thrashed to do it :).

SRK Handle: Melfice X
Gamertag: Melfice X
Console(s): 360
Country/Region: New Yorki, U.S.A.
Main team: Andy/Ryo/Hwa

Just got the game, looking to get better…Hit me up with a FR

SRK Handle: pfft
Gamertag : omicronpro
Console(s): PS3
Country/Region: USEast
Main team: none

I’m really looking to fight and learn from people better than me.

Gamertag : BUM BA KLATT512
Console(s): XBOX
Country/Region: AUSTIN, TX
Main team: KYO, ROBERTO/ANDY, ???

I’m really looking to fight and learn from people better than me.

SRK Handle: KaboXx
Gamertag : KaboXx
Console(s): XBOX
Country/Region: U.S.A, TX
Main team: K’,Ash,Saiki

Been a long KoF fan but never was really of a good player. I recently picked up KoF13 now i want to really learn it feel free to hit me up for some games would like to play some of the srk peeps. Fair warning my skill lvl is really low but im working my way up to the top! :smiley:

SRK handle- slowatch
XBL gamertag- slowatch
Location- New Hampshire, USA
main team- Goro (might change to Clark) Vice, and King

I’m somewhat new to KOF, and havent been able to play this one against anyone yet- so I’ve been in training mode A LOT, lol. I am not, however, new to fighters and I’m pretty good. Please, hit me up on xbl, here or e-mail.

SRK Handle: KumaOso
Gamertag: KumaOso
Console(s): 360
Country/Region: Louisiana USA
Main team: Athena/Mai/???

Total noob at this game aside from some combos.

SRK Handle: JPeezy
Gamertag: Da9thwonder
Location: Sacramento, CA
Main team: Nests Kyo/?/Shen

Definitely need to get out of the lab and actually trying my combos on people

SRK Handle: DeadCrescendo
Gamertag: DeadCrescendo
Console(s): PS3
Location: Fort Walton Beach, FL
Main team: Athena, Terry, Mai (Subject to Change)

I literally JUST started at about 2 this morning. I’m in love with this game and would like to learn from more experienced players.

SRK Handle: Krisppy
Gamertag: Xbox3krisppy (see what i did there?)
Console(s): Xbox 360 (NOW do you see what i did there?)
Country/Region: New York City , always down to play offline also.
Main team: King, Yuri, Leona

east coast only please, the connection is bad enough…
Shout outs to everyone who colors their female characters bras the same color as their skin. Awesome.

SRK Handle: Dont have one
Gamertag: evil0mar
Console: Ps3
Country/Region: North Georgia
Main: Dont really have one im still practicing.