SRK Handle: jc349
Gamertag: jc349
Console(s): xbox 360
Country/Region: USA/NY,NJ,PA area
Main Team: Don’t have one yet, most def need someone to help me out and spare with lol. Thinking Hwa, the karate guy (lol), and maybe shen or the drunk old dude.
Back into KoF…
XbL: iYorKeY
Yuri, Elizabeth, Ex Iori/ Regular Kyo
SRK Handle - PyrexHD
Gamertag - P y r e x H D (yea with the spaces)
Console(s) - XBOX 360
Country/Region - USA/EAST COAST (MIAMI,FL)
Main team - Not too sure yet, But I have been playing with Kyo, King and Shen lately.
SRK Handle: bimmyvandal
Gamertag: Bimmy_Vandal
Console: PS3
Main Team: Benimaru, Andy, Raiden, and I suck with all of them! Bring it on!
SRK Handle: Gemakai
PSN: Gemakai
Console: PS3
Country: US/East Coast
Main Team: Clark/King/Leona, looking to learn Kyo, K’, Mai, Takuma
Xbox Gamertag: The G 39
Country: USA - Texas
Main Team: Looking to be X/Karate/Kyo
PSN: ZeroUnlim
Console(s): PS3
Country/Region: US/New York City, New York
Main Team: Mature/Iori/Kyo
SRK: CircuitBear
Gamertag: Epitagh
Console: Steam(PC)
Country/Region: US
Main Team:(Still new but my current is) Vice, King, Leona
SRK: tegafaru
Steam Name: tegafaru
Console: Steam(PC)
Country/Region: UK
Main Team: (Just started) King, Clark, Kensou
SRK: Julpero
Steam: jholtta
Console: PC and PS3 (probably not playing on it since the online’s bad)
Country/Region: central Finland
Main team: probably Duo Lon, Vice and Chin. I might switch Duo for either King or EX Iori.
If you’re somewhere in Scandinavia or close then feel free to add me on Steam. I’ve just started learning the game so I’ve mostly done only combo-practice until now.
Main Team: (still new) Duo Lon,Joe,Beni(may change in the future)
SRK Handle: NYC_Eon
Gamertag: ManifestEon
Console(s): 360
Country/Region: US/NYC
Main team: Kura, Ralf, Athena (Still learning the ropes)
SRK: Commonsense
Steam: Commonsens8
Console: xbox Professionaleon
Country/Region: US North Carolina
Main team: Ryo, Karate, Kim (Beni too)
If you are from western part of europe you can join the KOF13 France groupe, there is roughly 400ppl here with 50 or so regular players.
srk: marblehouse
Steam: marble house
Location: Canada, Alberta, Edmonton
Main Team: Terry/Iori/Daimon or Karate/EX Iori/Terry
srk: MadVash2005
Console: Xbox 360, PC
Steam: dlbman22
Xbox Live: SugeNeezy
Main Team: Kim, Raiden, Athena
Just bought the game off of Steam and still a bit rusty from not playing in a while.
SRK: streetcoco
Steam: serenadesx
Console: PC
Country/Region: US California
Main team: Clark, Iori, Kula
I am a complete beginner, always ready to be your sandbag!
SRK: Matchat
Steam: pumpedaaron
Xbox 360 gamertag: Pumped Aaron
Consoles: Xbox 360, PC
Country/Region: US Washington State
Main Team: Hwa, Kensou, Clark
Generally a novice to competitive fighting games, let alone King of Fighters XIII, but at least I have about a year of experience under my belt so far.
Minor Update.
Main team and subs are in the sig.
Country: Germany
Steam: khaaaN
Console: PC
Country/Region: US California
-Kyo, Shen, Takuma
need people to play it is so dead