Kim's Infinite?

Most of what these guys say is true except for the part about it being Hard, and if your whiffing (from my EXP.) that most likely means your doing the shit too fast. But once you get it down it’s a peace of cake. Although it’s a very usefull combo to have during gameplay the combo is very impractical and for various reasons. For one the infinite only works in or very close to the corner, and I’ve learned (from my EXP.) if people know that you can hit it consistantly smart players will most likely do something on Wake Up (Super, Uppercut, etc…) And notice I said smart not Good. Anyway there are various other reasons you may not be able to pull it off in a real match because a Good player will crouch and it doesn’t work on crouching chars. except for Blanka, Sagat, Chang, Yama, and a few others. So you might say it’s virtually useless. :sad: HMMMMMM?
But guess what, Thank GOD for P2 Glitch which is Kim’s saving Grace. This is most common yet most tricky way to mixup an opp.
so instead of going for inf. every time mix it up with some throws and esspecially use his air move to setup tick throws.(qcf.short-in air, very very good :tup: :tup: ) This allows you to open your opp. up and making him try to think/guess what you’ll do next and I garauntee**(from my EXP.)** you won’t have as hard of a time getting that super/infinite to connect. But first you have to learn it, but one thing I don’t want to do is get discourged before you try it, and don’t listen to anyone saying it’s to hard to try to learn let alone do it in a match. Hey I’ll tell you this If I can do it you can too. But first you absolutely must Understand and Follow the notations Exactly! So I’m goin to try to make this as simple as I can.

First LvL2, you know which one

Cancle the super Immediatly! after/as it Hits into D,D+RH and hold it.

Next,now listen carefully, you will do D,D+RH again BUT before you do you will hit jab to kara cancel the move.It will be something like this.

D,D, J, THEN, RH While holding down RH after it hits*(Repeat Highlighted Text)*. The J&RH should be about a half a second apart.

So go try and some things I would give you some more tricks with Kim but I don’t want to criple your creativity. But if you want a good Idea of how his combos work you could try searching for TEAM UPSET combo vid on or SRK.

GOOD LUCK! :tup: :tup: