Kim Infinite never made it into tournament play

there’s definitely at least a few vids capturing the inf in a tourney match

theyre mostly ghetto setups though. like empty normal jump, short short super. or just knockdown, short short super and the other guy just got up mashing

oh wait, we’re talking about the CHARACTER KIM.

didn’t you pull off a real life kim infinite on evowest 2k7?

maybe if kim wasnt such a sellout and actually used kim

if there was a character named campbell you best BELIEVE im using that nigga

“i saw a sonic named “ski” rape somebody on the big screen… that had to you be you right?”


hella smileys.

FYI bitches, my first cvs2 team involved a Ratio 2 Kim(and… a terry). On a totally random note, theres a new ECW wrestler named Ricky Ortiz. Know about it.

i wonder if he’s as good a fighter as the Real Ricky Ortiz

So far he’s undefeated (5-0)
His finisher is kind of weird…he calls it The Big O and it looks like Starman’s running special, only Ricky Ortiz does it standing over a fallen opponent.

LOL @ Ricky Ortiz finishing with The Big O

If SS Mizuki was in CvS2 I would be using her.

I remember seeing Buktooth land the infinite on a Dallas cat back in a tournament last year with my own two eyes. T’was amazing!