I’ve always wondered why people rather play KI1 over 2. The only thing I’ve heard really is that it’s a lot more turtle friendly, but that’s it.
why god why do people bring up KI2 that game sucks so much ass. Top players already said why the game sucked a 1000000 times.
cinder infinte for the win, yeah!!!
im not sure what u mean by ‘negative edge’ but when powered up from a howl, sabrewulfs openers double in length and then the charge is over. is it possible to keep the charge and perform shadow enders?
Well all the combo glitches all depend on which version your playing just brfor the bottom fell out on KIthey release a new version that did not have the reset glitch
yeah the tiers really depend on which version of KI you are playing.
ver. 1.0 had cinder and spinal as god tier. but in 1.5 they took out spinals glitch so just cinder.
mike, lets play some KI2 :wgrin:
connecting with double roll or double spin kills your powerup and youll have to howl or combo break again.
negative edge = doing a command and releasing the button, instead of pressing. negative edge is insanely important in KI. if you dont do it, you cant do most of the useful stuff in the game.
eh, spinal is never god tier. he was better for sure in 1.0 and 1.4. but hardly a threat considering in those versions, every character can do an unbreakable combo up to 4 hits for guaranteed dizzy. which basically leads to 100% life. and its much easier than doing infinite skull glitch since you only need a couple hits and much less timing. his glitch woulda made him more useful if it was in 1.5, but its not
ok i figured out the obvious lol…
to do a shadow combo w/ sabrewulf drumroll… start any combo (ex.jump fk,mp) other than his special move openers in order to keep the charge for shadow ultra or ender.
Pretty much took out one of the better characters (and two others who were ok), switched a few of moves around and was just all around lazy. First sign that Rare was fucking up, although I did like how the fatalities were now done when the opponent’s bar was flashing instead of the whole MK daze. Add a little more tension to the battle that you could dodge one and then fuck someone up.
the character models in KI2 looked weird, although they did finally add in throws, in an attempt to reduce the turtling aspect of the first one. Too bad it didn’t play as smoothly nor was it as fun. Plus the whole rock paper scissors aspect of countering special moves was weak as hell
Pretty refreshing to read this thread and reflect what I thought was top tier vs what was top tier. Thank God for internet. Oh memories…