Killer Instinct (2013)

Why the fuck are you here?
You are so caught up in the hype you can’t see shit for what it really is.

Finally the only person who sees some kind of reason. I still disagree with your choices of titles, but at least you are reasonable.

I did, sadly all those people with actual talent left those studios a long time ago.
The Works of Shiny and Collective count as much for Double Helix and citing Disney for credit for the Star Wars films made by George Lucas.

Those games Shiny and the Collective made do not count, there personel left, and they took their know-how and skill with them, and most likely they took all their works and documents with them.

Double Helix can claims all it wants, but with none of the original staff from their parent studios there, and the fact when I went to Double Helix’s website all I can find is stuff about KI it begs a question.
How shitty these guys really are if they do not want to admit their past projects?

Seriously go to

Tell me if you see a mention of anything that isn’t Killer Instinct. If they are really as good as you claim, wouldn’t they proudly showcase their past works?

This could be of some use to you…

Live stream from Madcatz, feat. Ken Lobb

I’m looking into starting petitions about that possibility. Microsoft said they listened when we wanted KI back, maybe they’ll listen again when they realize more money can be made with a port to the 360. Besides, they’re the ones who said they’ll keep supporting it for years…

As long as Sony Supported the PS2? I sorry, but you think Microsoft would learn from the mistakes Sony did with the PS3; not repeat them.

But in retrospect at least Princess Luna agrees that KI is cool.

I’m here because this is a fucking KILLER INSTINCT Thread. You keep doing everything BUT talk about that. You are fucking irritating as hell, son.

Awesome, thanks. This shit is intense.

Not hype anymore… since info is still slowly being spoon fed to us… ill just wait an stop questioning.

Meanwhile ill be playing the original to remember mechanics and 2 to re-familarize myself with ‘ex’ type set ups/hit boxes

IF any of you are attending Summer Jam (big e tourny in philly) or TFC definitely link up with to get some OG KI play.

Looked pretty fun.

In terms of info, they confirmed they will be at EVO. Glacius will be playable with a new character announced. And same pattern with PAX, and TGS.

Dios X is on the sticks on the stream with jago.

I thought it was Machete. Damn

But honestly I just sharing my viewpoints just like everyone else. And I do share my views with the upcoming Killer Instinct game by Double Helix for the Xbox One.
You sir are attacking me. I do have the right to defend myself against tyranny.

That Dios X ultra

You are incredibly wack, Darksakurau or whatever the fuck your name is. Just a heads up.

I hope the final boss is something much better designed, and more memorable than Eyedol and Gargos. Those dudes were lame.

Any ways do we have any actual gameplay footage and not CGI video cutscenes yet?

Of course not. There’s been absolutely no gameplay. No gameplay, no multiple streams running showing top players in the community beating the crap out of each other, none of that.

Shadow Jago? Interesting. Maybe it’s just a costume, or maybe it’s a full character ala Evil Ryu.

EDIT - There’s “CGI video cutscenes”? Worst “trolling” I have ever seen in all my years, here.

No I am serious, someone got a link? I am not being Bias here, I actually want to see some video clips of real game play.

Like this here

I don’t want Cut scenes or videos of the SNES game, I have the SNES game if I want to see the SNES game I turn on my SNES.

I want to see why you feel this GAME will be good, not because this is a continuation of the series (what I felt was a lackluster), I want to see the actual merits, not the hype or the fanboyism, which I attack fanboyism.

I want people to honestly show me why there opinions are they way they are, you disagree with me, show me why the game is so great. Attack me and I will attack back
All I see in this thread is people blinded to the hype before.

Also someone explain this logic to me.

I am not getting MS strategy here.

If people are hype for a game, why do others feel the need to constantly try to kill that hype?
Fucking sadists…

Not like people have been linking constantly to gameplay streams over the last two days. Maybe if you spent less time acting like a bitch you would’ve noticed one of the MANY posts and links to said stream.

CrossCounterTV KI3 Demo featuring Gootecks, Filthy Rich, RIP, and Mike Willette


probably more coming featuring justin wong, tasty steve, alex valle, and some others