Kick your sneakers off and relax~ Guy General Discussion Thread

Anyone else feel like Guy is not fitting in this game, in terms of appearance/design?

Every time I see him it’s like he’s too tall or slim, making him unproportional to the rest of the cast. He makes Fei Long look like a fat midget and Sagat an overgrown bodybuilder.

You wanna talk about out-of-place? Hakan should be your main focus there. :slight_smile:

Anyone wanna play some matches on XBL some time?

I’ve actually been looking to fight people but i haven’t been over my friends house for like…2 weeks… ._. however if i ever go over i will send you a message or friend request for that time being.

I think guy looks very cool in this game. They just bulked everyone up too much. Fei long is way too thick. As for hakan, even though i don’t use him, i like the character because he’s very unique in sf, much like makoto.

Sagat DOES look like an overgrown bodybuilder. If there’s anything wrong with Guy’s design, it’s that he’s actually vaguely proportional. He doesn’t have enormous hobbit-feet or biceps bigger than his head. Ryu and Ken shouldn’t even be able to bend their arms. :sweat:

I really like Guy’s look.


Don’t get me wrong, Guy is the coolest looking motherfucker in the game (maybe tied with Dudley), but by being the only proportional or realistic fella, he actually fews quite out of place to me. He doesn’t have any of the cartoonish things they did to other character’s like huge eyes, weird looks on hit, showing their tongues on a KO, etc, and his colors look a lot darker to me compared to the rest. It just that he looks like he’s among the tallest characters in ther cast, on par with Sagat and Gief, and yet he’s quite slim, whereas in the Alpha series he was a regular sized guy.

About overgrwn biceps, have you seem Abel’s arms?

sticky ?

Haven’t played Guy in a while since I got my stick. Kinda miss him and want to go back. For those who have good execution with Guy on stick, any suggestions? How much do you practice in training mode and what sort of stuff do you practice? If I could improve my execution on par with Teez, that’d be awesome.

I practice cr.lp x2 into bushin chain all day in training mode.Personally I think it’s Guys most important combo and I dropped it alot for the first month or two of super,so I made sure I never dropped it again.

I’m practicing cr.lp,cr.lp, xx run slide alot now aswell.The timing is slightly tricky but again,its one of Guys most important combos.I used to do this combo using the target combo into slide, but because it’s inconsistent its better to use into slide.

as far as practicing execution goes… i practice hit confirming. do jump in combos or combos on the ground from point blank range. put the dummy on “random” guard, and get used to hit confirming cr. jab x2 to ff chain or cr. short, cr. jab, ff chain(the latter i think is easier because the short to jab link is slower than 2 cr. jabs). get used to recognizing if the opponent is standing or not. if he’s crouching and you land a hit. i go for cr. short, cr. jab, st. strong xx run slide or cr. jab x2, st. strong xx run slide.

i also practice hit confirming on jump ins so i only have to do one cr. jab to ff chain after. it gets really easy after a couple of hours practicing that hit confirm. it’ll become 2nd nature after a while… you won’t even have to think about if the opponent is standing or not… you’ll just see it and go for it.

eh i honestly dont spend much time in training mode at all. when i do, the only things that i really practice ( just for sake of warming up ) are:

  • crossover > ~ bushin chain throw > st.hp xx lp bushin flip

  • cr.hp ~ xx EX Hozanto ~ EX Tatsu

  • command elbow > ~ Bushin chain xx super

  • cr.lpx2 ~ XX mk tatsu

and last, but definitely not least

  • crossover > ~ bushin chain throw > cr.lp (reset) > crossunder --> ~ bushin chain throw > st.hp > (walk forward a step) ~ bushin chain > U1

the last one i use in matches sometimes, a lot of times i mixup the last ~ bushin chain with lp bushin flip / run xx overhead / bait out a reversal with backdash/block. its really fun to use and just completely mindfuck the opponent lol

i just wanted to say that i really do love the community on our boards <3

Those are some pretty good combos to warm up with. I always need to warm up to play and suck when i go in cold. So i spend a lot of time in training mode.

More combos I love practicing.

FF Chain Throw xx RH Hurricane xx Super

(Just outside corner) FF Chain xx FADC xx Ultra. still havnt gotten it down reliably from both sides.

Lvl 2 focus xx xx FF Chain

cr.fierce xx st.strong xx ex hozounto xx FADC ULTRA. yeah still not so good at this

edit --oh yeah and like everyones been saying since week 2. cr.short is the way to go with combo starters. You will notice a huge jump in your game, both execution and reactions. oh yeah and i cant even believe how many people are either too slow or forget to go block low after a jump in. Best off it sets up an empty jump cr.short mixup. I like to go for the crossup after a forward throw and when they are conditioned to block i try that.

same here… i pretty much just hit training mode to warm up. i practice pretty much all those same combos more or less. 90% of my time in training mode is spent figuring out character matchups. figuring out what anti airs guy can use against certain characters. figuring out what i can or can’t punish. speaking of which… i need to post something on the cammy matchup real quick in the matchup thread.

thanks guys, I went to training for a while and it felt really awkward. I still haven’t mastered the stick in general but I guess I need to spend lots of hours practicing to get results. It will take a while since I’m busy with other things but I want to land a long corner mix up in a match, that’s what I’m looking forward to.

Been looking for main in SSF4 and Guy’s the only character I enjoy playing.

Sup chill Guy thread?


In training mode I do a few combos and practice run stop pressure tactics.

yea Guy forum is cool…I’ve been practising run stop pressure a bit and was wondering how you guys do it? Do you press QCF mk, lk? or QCF lk, lk. Also, when do most use it, after and TC? I always worry I’ll get a mashed DP or something lol

when i do run > stop, i do: QCF+MK, LK. i like having clean inputs. it took me awhile to get used to the timing, though. in the beginning, sometimes, guy wouldn’t stop running when i pressed the LK, and i ate combos because of it.

i only use run > stop after st.MP just to keep people on their toes, after constantly using st.MP xx LP hozanto as a string. otherwise, i’m only really using it after target combo and in the corner. i think close st.MP xx run > stop is safe, but i’m not sure.