Short notice as fuck bro, I hope the turn out is good for you guys.
Yasha, I’ll play SC1 and 2 all day. Cuz back then it was doing it’s own thing. Now it’s just trying to rip off of other fighters and it’s just lame… Also Ivy isn’t slutty enough yet lol <3
sorry about the short notice. I had no idea this thread existed until recently. But, I’m really psyched to see that there is somewhat of a community here. Gamer’s Edge in Elizabethtown is trying to play venue to a lot of fighting game tournaments and I’ll post any that I find as soon as possible. What games would you guys be interested in? I could talk to the owner, he’d be all about it if it resulted in a good turnout.
I’ll talk to the owner and get back to you on this. I’m sure he’ll support it as long as there is a demand/crowd for it.
In the mean time, anyone down to play anything on PSN? Blitzkrieg_exe
I play just about everything.
Where in Etown is that Venue? My grandparents live there so I end up there every now and then. I’m in Cincinnati this weekend for their fight night / Ranbat or else I’d try to make it over for that tourney
I’m talking with the owner about hopefully starting up some venue sponsored fighting game events if I can generate enough interest. Lexington crowd, Richmond crowd, anyone. Let me know if you’d be interested before I start talking details/specifics/pricing stuff.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Tournament at Gamer’s Edge just ended. It was a blast. Tons of people are still sticking around running AE sets. I think 3rd Strike is up next. I’ll post the next get together date as soon as possible. the owner is more than psyched to run tournaments, ranbats etc as long as the crowd is there.