Ken the Eagle thread

A lot of people are in the same boat. Probably more will be for this game than most others because of it only being on Japanese Wii/arcades.

It is strange that auto-guard CPU didn’t catch it since the hits happen so close together and they generally block all other cross-up attempts. I just happened to see your post about it, tried it a few times during some casuals with a friend earlier today and noticed that he was able to block it every time.

Why is this guy’s thread so dead?! I thought Ken was supposed to be amazing in this game…

I think maybe too many fellas don’t wanna release what they found out with Ken ya know combos, mix-ups or etc.

Either that or they found someone better.

Ken is an awesome character tho, the cpu alone showed me.
He’s got sum crazy mixup possibilties

I think ken is a good match with Ryu. Love ken’s boomerang, it kinda
reminds me Captain America in his style of fight, etc. shield.

I’ll see if I can’t run Ken/Jun on the same team =P

Filthyrich combo - no assist

midscreen - 2a 2a 2b p 5c 2c 613B 5a 5b SJ ja ja jb jb 7 b b 623 b jb 623c a 623 ABC


ken is awesome. having an overhead that goes into super is really good.

I’ve been working on some mix-ups with Ken and it all relies on this kind of stuff, so it’s pretty hit and miss right now. But to tell you a little about it, his j.C has a silly hit box and in some situations, will cross up the oppoent in the air mid arial rave. I worked on a set up with Ken/Casshern that from what I can tell, either leads to guaranteed knockdown or if blocked, silly cross up situations.

8~A+B+C~C > 2B > 5C > 2C (2 hit) > A+P (BRQ) > 9~A > B > 623A > P~C

Or P+C or C~P etc for different effects

After the 623A Ken will cross to the other side, however his j.C will still hit the opponent. From what I can tell, this is actually a cross up, even though the characters remain in their primary positions and Ken’s attack hits from behind. When I use auto guard, the dummy guards from the front, but with advanced guard it actually guards backwards so I’m certain it is a cross up.

Now, if they eat the cross-up, the j.C will hit and when you call Casshern, he will OTG them for what I presume is a guarenteed knockdown (I can’t tell, dummy can’t roll towards you)? However if they block, it’s possible to do things like 4A or 4~2B which will put you back on the side you origionally came from in a sort of “one way and almost imediately after, the other way” situation. What’s also interesting is that you can do sort of, semi-option-select things on the j.C. If they block it, you can cancel to specials/supers (even Baroque if you set it up off of an assist), but if it hits you get nothing and Casshern OTG.

Like I say though this is all hit and miss. I have no way to play other people and the training mode/CPU, while semi decent, sucks, so getting a full grasp of what can go on is hard. Whether this kind of mix-up is worth it, I don’t know. But I’ll just leave this as food for thought, I’ve been trying to create tricky stuff like this for a while and found it pretty interesting. I’ll probably just copy and paste this in the Ken section…

I’m surprised to see how dead the Ken thread seeing how everybody says how awesome he is.

Basic Ken Combo

IAD, j.C, B, 2B, C, 2C (first hit only)~BBQ, dash, 2A, B, C, 3C, sj.A, j.A, j.B, j.B, double jump~j.B, j.B, 63214B (4 hits) XX 623+2 attacks

air combo into teleport reset trixsies ftw all day

I’ve been trying out Ken today and I was kind of surprised to see such good team synergy with Ryu.

I do a pretty basic combo:
:snka:,:snkb:,:d::snkb:,:snkc:,:d::snkc:,:dp: :snkb:,:qcf::qcf::3p:

I can stretch it to some Ryu assist.
:snka:,:snkb:,:d::snkb:,:snkc:,:d::snkc:,:asstb: , :dp::snkb:,:qcf::qcf::3p:, xxx, shinku hadoken, xxx, phoenix attack

I’m loving Ken / Tekkaman to be honest. Launcher, jABB, jBB, HCB+B, DP(623) Super DHC’d into Tekkaman’s “MAKE IT RAIN!!!” is just plain nasty. Also, DP(623) Team Super (starting with Ken) is tons of fun. Basically, Ken takes the opponent to the corner while Tekkaman essentially rapes the opponent with his beam super. After Tekkaman’s done with his beam you can launch your opponent into the above mentioned combo, assuming your sitting on enough bar; either way your opponent’s eating anywhere from 25-40K of damage. Or, if your fighting Megaman or Roll, you can go into Ken’s corner infinite.

^^^With Tekkaman assist, Ken can easily combo his lvl.3.
Combo example: dash, 2A, 5B, 2B, 5C, 2C~P, 214+2 attacks
Should work every time. Tekkaman assist should connect right after the second hit of 2C.

Also, pretty much anytime you want to do 623A, send out Tekkaman assist and the assist should connect allowing you to dash in and combo.

The most productive Tekkaman assist combo I’ve found was: 6B, 623+C~P, Dash (backwards, I believe?), 5B, Launcher, and so forth. And, even though you can combo into Ken’s level 3 by the ways you mentioned, I find it much more fruitful to go for the aforementioned Team Super; it’s easier to combo (works off of anything that Kens 623 Super would), does more damage, and leads to a free launch/infinite in the corner. Then again, Ken’s super is just plain pretty.

I found out that you can use Ken and Joe as a DT if you combo into Ken’s standing Eagle Rush Super and Joe’s Six Canon super. And if the opponent hits the corner you can combo them some more. Its a pretty sweet setup since it works both ways.

I’ve been using Ken / Chun for a while, some stuff I’ve been using, for what is worth.

A lot of mixup calling Chun after the 1st hit of :d::snkc:, you can dash , and then walk for changing sides, or just dash and walk back for staying in your side going for low rushdown or overheading…Of course you can also aereal rave while Chun is still hitting.

You can also crossup air C in this aereal rave finisher:

:snka: :snka: :snkb: :snkb: :u: :snka: :snka: :snkb: :snkb: :dp:+:snkb:, :snkc:<- crossup here.

His lvl.3 Super hurts a lot on misses against you, it’s great as a quick punishment. You can bait with srk+ any attack at certain ranges.

With Ryu as partner you can do whatever chain you might come up with, calling him and the teleporting and do more mind games, or just extend you ground chain into whatever.

The best thing that comes to my mind when I think on Ken is his fast teleport. It’s great abusing it for mind games or after a missed assist from you. I also try not finishing aereal raves and instead going for teleports. You can just choose any attack and surprise yourself when you see that sometimes you end up not in the place you were suppoused to be, since it’s not as exact Spiral’s in MvC2, about positioning.

Maybe Ken doesn’t rely on damage from his Supers; They’re great ones in terms of priority and speed, it’s just the low damage what makes you think if it’s worth or not. Like Yingyay said, going for v.combination with stronger Supers is a great idea, specially when you start with Ken since he’s able to move after your partner Super is still going in most of cases.

I still can’t use megacrush on combos, I need more practice on that one, or maybe more setups than the ones already shown in Ken vids.

I’ve managed to get Ken to become invisible (similar to the invisible glitch with Karas when doing Baroque after his 421A/B/C. Sometimes the game allows you to baroque it and other times not.

Anyone has a list of ken’s infinites? any videos on it? :3

There should be an infinite setup at 1:45 and 8:31 in this vid: