Kayo Police is a... guy

I said it before and I’ll say it again, I would totally makeout with Kayo. You guys can have Buck… o_O

I really hope everything will go well for her and her career.

thats something you dont ask as straight guy…

anyway still shocked at a lot of you.

Buck is disgusting. I’ll buttsecks Kayo.

It was a question for “straight” guys, not straight guys. There’s a difference!

And I guess it’s safe to assume that your choice is Buck Angel by default then? :razz:

This kayo shit is old news close this thread already

Really tranny?

Fuko Love is a man?! Great tits.

She puts the “Viper” in C.Viper if you know what I mean. Or the “C” I guess. whatever.


lol Yeah, it’s bullshit. I was just trolling that guy that asked out of no where to I.D. a girl.

Sorry SRK, your princess is in another castle.


still cute as hell

If those people are actually serious, and not trying to be funny as I previously stated, than this is kinda disturbing. Not disturbing because of how many dudes on SRK want to have sex with a man, but disturbing how hard SRK is hit with the yellow fever.

Cuz if Kayo Police was a Dominican dude, we would not be having this conversation.


not to sure about the whole transexual thing. But i agree, she is on the ugly side. (this from a vietnamese male)

Honestly, I don’t care what Kayo is and I don’t care what preferences SRK members have, as long as they don’t start hitting on me and know their limits. People can have their own freedoms as long as they don’t infringe upon the freedoms of others. America… FUCK YEA!

Well, I notice plastic surgery on the face and breasts, and “man hands” are a warning sign as well. Some reliable sources exposed “her” to have a penis some time ago. I used to think it was a girl who got surgery because of masculine features not including the main one waist down. Anyways, lying only makes things worse.

I dunno about that. I’ve seen plenty of hot, non-Asian MTFs.

Yeah but SRK only cares about the Asian ones.


I also think Elly is super overrated, but I highly doubt that’s a man. I was reading a Vietnamese article the other day and they say some of her pics have been photo shopped.

Plus I don’t think any Korean companies will make a tranny a spokesperson for their products or Vietnamese companies giving a tranny any movie roles.

2010 SRK totally different than 2001 SRK. :rofl: Hell It was different when I joined in 2005. :rofl:

sigh ain’t that the truth… Wow I’ve been here since 01? That long? That can’t be right…


thats just wrong…