Just noticed there’s a visual example (with input display!) on ESN’s website. Tested it in training mode and it’s actually not that hard to do!
Parry forward, b+mp, HCB+HK as fast as you can. It seems the trick here is that the parry stores the B+MP until the freeze ends and you input the C&DB command such that it completes just as the B+MP begins to animate, thus you get the kara.*
This game is incredible.
Edit: Oh man, I tested kara SA2 as seen in this ESN vid and it totally works. Admittedly I used neutral MP but it still adds mighty range. Try it yourself. Parry forward, MP, QCFx2+piano punches.
Edit número dos: With this method, it’s possible to kara moves your kara normal would typically interfere with. For example, kara slaps with Q is possible with this method. Parry, B+MP, QCB+P. Doo hoo hoo…
Who knows what else is possible with this kara buffer thing?
*edited for clarification