Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO

Kiva is the sh*t in this game. Stringing the right combos with the ‘Kamen Cancel’ or whatever that focus cancel is has served me about 20-8 wi s against my homie lol

My OOO Game Guide v.1.2
Filled Zolda, Kaixa, Double FangJoker sections; filled Ryuki series storyline up to Zolda

ouja’s infinite is just forward weak weak, repeat. you have to wait after the second weak.

Sorry for posting this ol’ post, but what about Decade’s Striker & Transformation Analog directions.

@ KarateLincoln: I believe you meant forward strong strong (where he does hook and gut punch), which allows for shorter delay before combo starts anew (in case of Faiz the third hit will still come as uppercut after such short delay). I tried to loop forward strong strong against CPU on very hard difficulty, but the timing is pretty strict (you can mess up on delay so uppercut comes out, or you can mess up with timing so that CPU can block or sidestep) and I was able to achieve 6 hits max

Decade’s FFR’s are summoned with “down+special move” button, while he changes forms by using analog on classic controller/ d-pad on nunchuck


My OOO Game Guide v.1.3
Storyline added up to Tiger
Ryuki, Ryuga, Odin, Dark Kabuto, Super Climax Den-O sections completed
minor updates to other character sections

Character Speech Translation v.3
I need someone who knows japanese to check these translations, as well as to help me with few quotes I was unable to translate

My KRCH OOO Guide v.1.4
Storyline added up to Faiz
Added notes about stages
Added character speech translation
Ouja, Gatack, Double CJX, Double CAX sections completed

Double CAX has one of combos resetting in interesting way

any good match vids of this game?

From what I seen on youtube its mostly noobs versus easy CPU

My KRCH OOO Game Guide v.1.5
Storyline added up to Blade
Added Jump-In combo tactic to weapon users that have it
Scissors, IXA, Accel sections completed

i’ve got a few good matches(mostly victories using inferior/superless characters like autovajin and trolling clock up spammers using kabuto’s counter kick and hyper kabuto/odin’s teleport),but sadly its psp vs psp local ad hoc(not through kai),which is unrecordable through a PC(i’m nowhere near one when the match happens),plus i don’t have remotejoy anyways and recording with a cam sucks,as we all know it…

anyone can show me the screenshoot Wiimote Configuration dolphin 3.0 for kamen rider climax heroes OOO??..