Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO

Wait…how was I wrong? You mean I didn’t buy it? And it wasn’t ported to US?
I’m confused. :lol:

And all other dude did was give his opinion on it. We didn’t the wall of text explaining each game so you could look super cool. Cause you don’t. And you didn’t argue why x game was better than y game. All you did was describe the orders they came in and the engine.

So…good job looking like a douche.

I think he was trying to say that KRDK is technically not a straight localization of Climax Heroes. It’s got some unique gameplay systems (specifically, relying on cards to activate certain attacks, and a very different movement system which was co-opted into the new CH game), as well as its own cast. I suppose you could say it’s similar to the US Wii Naruto Games, which are tweaked/updated versions of the Japanese games with different casts to match where the US release of the show was currently compared to Japan.

I kind of wish I had picked up the Wii version of KRDK when it was around, despite not owning a Wii yet, considering how rare it is now. It was 30 bucks at launch I believe.

My PSP copy of CHOOO should be arriving this week, I hope.

Ahem, what I was trying to say is: One cant say
"KRDK > previous CH games, thus KRDK > CH OOO"
because its more like
"CH OOO = enhanced version of KRDK, and KRDK = enhanced version for previous CH games"

But with amount of douches at SRK (and resulting douchephobia complex) I can see from where Stuart Hayden comes. I just cited his posts as part of discussion that brought KRDK topic.

Anyway, I tested OOO game character defences, here’s the list:

And for ones who lack Wii and have crappy PCs, find turbo revisions of Dolphin, you will be able to run the game more or less even on 1GB ram machine

And heres the results of Rider Gauge (super gauge) charging speed test:

please stop bashing shroud,he’s just trying to point that this game has KRDK’s engine with more content,its not that KRDK is bad,he actually said that its better than CHW at least in several aspects

anyways,here’s black shroud’s request results,from the neighboring thread

as opposed to other dolphin emulated games like the CHW(this game’s prequel),tatsunoko vs capcom,or even resident evil 0,Climax Heroes OOO works very well even on a standard,non dual core PC with standard RAM and VGA

my PC spec is as such:
-AMD athlon 64 3500+ 2.21ghz
-1.00 GB of RAM
-GeForce 7100 GS graphic card

i’m using the same wii config in both builds

1.SVN E 4728 & 4728M-turbo:customized old build,the turbo version forcibly boosts performance up to 200%(but it hardly shows,the normal 4728 is only abit slower even with 100% performance only),to make it start you actually need to get fixes and patches from some other builds that i forgot which exactly,using it standalone will make the dolphin crash IIRC

2.SVN R 6536:latest build suggested by black shroud,its has no problem launching the game by itself,but the default setting is definitely not for a weak PC,you must change them a bit

General config
-enable dual core(activate this,doesnt matter if your CPU is something that is not a dual core)
-enable idle skipping
-skip GC bios
-JIT recompiler(or the experimental one for the latest build,it doesnt matter as i tried both)
-lock thread to core

note:this means that anything else that doesnt mentioned in this are turned off

-enable progressive scan
-set console as NTSC-J(dunno if this is a must or not,this IS a JP game,but the old build doesnt have this option)
-use panic handlers

-use eurGB60mode
-aspect ratio 4:3(widescreen slows the game down quite a lot for some strange reason)

-graphics:Dolphin direct 3d9(openGL is a no no for me at least,it’ll slow down to a crawl)
-controllers:custom for my old build(needs a fix file that i forgot which,where and how to get),untouched for the latest one since it automatically works

tried as i may,the new build just can’t keep up with the custom dolphin,at least on a crappy non dual core PC like mine

here are some screenshots from all three of them,all involves 2 points:normal fighting and finisher cutscenes,usually the game crawls down at these two points(its pointless to show menus and select screen,they run pefectly fine in all 3 without any lag)






4728M turbo









as you can see all 3 boasts nearly similar performance percentage wise,with normal 4728 scoring the lowest(always under 100%) and turbo scoring the highest(above 100% all the time) and the 6536 is somewhere in between

but if you look closely again at the FPS rate you will see that the normal 4728 scores the highest and most stable FPS rate (able to get 20~24 even with a 70% performance) of the 3 with 6536 scoring the lowest (never reached 20)

note that the normal 4728 shots are taken during REAL FIGHT footage which uses more resources while the other two builds are taken during TRAINING MODE which leaves less strain to the CPU since the enemy is doing nothing,also note that 10+FPS makes the game run at kabuto’s slo mo speed while 20+ FPS makes the game look quite normal to the human eye

that said,its completely possible for any of you with a standard PC to play this game,if you can’t find a good dolphin then the latest one is still okay,i’ve played much worse emulated games and this one is actually fully playable with some minor annoyances here and there

if it makes you feel any better,none of my builds can get scores this high when i played CHW or KRDK…so yeah,CHOOO is suprisingly light to emulate.

I’m certain this doesn’t use the KRDK framework (which is the same as clash of ninja).

there’s no momentum when you stop running, you can’t have people on opposite ends of the stage, and more.

I’m under the impression that this is all new.

(and super janky)

Guard gauge testing complete

I totally want to get all the music in this game

YouTube - Lionman666’s Channel
This guy ripped all the new tracks off Wii iso

Is there a save file for this out there?

Wow this is kinda nice actually.

well,its a bit late if you ask me,they should’ve done this 2 years ago with CH and by now they should’ve got vocal ones instead if you ask me,good thing is they already give the freedom of custom soundtrack for the PSP version and the fact that you can hack the wii ISO and replace the BGM files with your own music(you can’t do that with the PS2 CH apparently since many had tried at that time)

but yeah,all in all its quite okay,the house music version of FULL FORCE sounds a bit funny though…

TBH I have no idea what are you talking about. I don’t know the shows nor care about the games. I just thought the music was nice :S

i see,forget that i just said that then,i misinterpreted you post wrong it seems

There was one posted on henshinjustice

some questions

in several of the ragnarok stages i’ve encountered a tough purple crystals that takes a while to destroy,what that? does destroying it(or not) have any impact to that stage in particular?

also,what does RP and our score do?i seem to get S rank now matter how sucky i am at the stages(i don’t die,but sometimes i got to critical health and needed to use healing in the map)

@shroud:can you give a menu translation for changing the diff for both normal modes and ragnarok?the game is getting a bit too easy on me>.<,and where does the battle settings go?(time,round,HP,lifebar,etc,like in CHW)i can’t find it anywhere on the arcade and VS mode

also,changing the round to 1 doesnt jinx our chances of getting CAX and the gallery stuff right?

Replied to that post on henshinjustice;

For those who want soundtrack you can get it here:
[MUSIC DL] Kamen Rider Climax Heroes OOO OST - Henshin Justice Unlimited
(I guess it will require to log in to access this thread)

still having trouble with the custom soundtracks,looks like i’ll be stuck with dolphin for a while until there’s a better patch

will look forward to your guide,just tried accel on the PSP version’s arcade,he does have issues with his laggy moves,i spend most of my time on trial form due to accel form being too easy to interrupt by foes…

Just got my copy today. HUUUGE step up from the original. G3-X is a blast.

As far as Im concerned, Accel is a battery character to ward of opponent and charge gauge, while Trial is the real battle form. It also makes sense to form change back to Accel anytime you are about to eat big damage (because Trial’s guard can be broken easily and its better to have Accel’s high defence at such time). Trial can intercept opponent’s attacks with teleport on reaction, and can spam 14-hitter rider cancel to guard break his opponent. He also has safe f+strong combo string.

I still know no use for Accel Glanzer, if only to charge gauge afterwards again (since opponent collapses but you cant hit him after that, it gives you a breather)

G3-X can combo grenade into grenade; grenade into hook; hook into machine gun or another backjump grenade if there’s place to backjump to. Kinda makes up for his low stats.

well,the glanzer makes its target crumple down REALLY SLOW,its pretty much a free juggle starter if it hits,that is if you mash the attack buttons fast enough,trial’s teleport dash is quite uncomfortable to use especially in the enemy is down,90% of the time you ended up in front of the enemy instead of their back,kabuto’s version is far more superior

after playing a LOT of W i conclude that some special attacks are better left alone un-maximum drived,like the luna metal electro whip special,after the attack you can basically followup with everything while the MD enhanced version smacks enemy down for just a bit more damage disabling followup(but allows for wakeup traps),still talking about that,its a shame that they removed the long backstep part of the attack,it was the feature that makes luna metal awesome in CHW for mind games,of course the likes of heat trigger is better when MD is activated

as for cyclone joker,is it me or cyclone maximum drive speeds up the rider gauge charge for a bit?