please stop bashing shroud,he’s just trying to point that this game has KRDK’s engine with more content,its not that KRDK is bad,he actually said that its better than CHW at least in several aspects
anyways,here’s black shroud’s request results,from the neighboring thread
as opposed to other dolphin emulated games like the CHW(this game’s prequel),tatsunoko vs capcom,or even resident evil 0,Climax Heroes OOO works very well even on a standard,non dual core PC with standard RAM and VGA
my PC spec is as such:
-AMD athlon 64 3500+ 2.21ghz
-1.00 GB of RAM
-GeForce 7100 GS graphic card
i’m using the same wii config in both builds
1.SVN E 4728 & 4728M-turbo:customized old build,the turbo version forcibly boosts performance up to 200%(but it hardly shows,the normal 4728 is only abit slower even with 100% performance only),to make it start you actually need to get fixes and patches from some other builds that i forgot which exactly,using it standalone will make the dolphin crash IIRC
2.SVN R 6536:latest build suggested by black shroud,its has no problem launching the game by itself,but the default setting is definitely not for a weak PC,you must change them a bit
General config
-enable dual core(activate this,doesnt matter if your CPU is something that is not a dual core)
-enable idle skipping
-skip GC bios
-JIT recompiler(or the experimental one for the latest build,it doesnt matter as i tried both)
-lock thread to core
note:this means that anything else that doesnt mentioned in this are turned off
-enable progressive scan
-set console as NTSC-J(dunno if this is a must or not,this IS a JP game,but the old build doesnt have this option)
-use panic handlers
-use eurGB60mode
-aspect ratio 4:3(widescreen slows the game down quite a lot for some strange reason)
-graphics:Dolphin direct 3d9(openGL is a no no for me at least,it’ll slow down to a crawl)
-controllers:custom for my old build(needs a fix file that i forgot which,where and how to get),untouched for the latest one since it automatically works
tried as i may,the new build just can’t keep up with the custom dolphin,at least on a crappy non dual core PC like mine
here are some screenshots from all three of them,all involves 2 points:normal fighting and finisher cutscenes,usually the game crawls down at these two points(its pointless to show menus and select screen,they run pefectly fine in all 3 without any lag)
4728M turbo
as you can see all 3 boasts nearly similar performance percentage wise,with normal 4728 scoring the lowest(always under 100%) and turbo scoring the highest(above 100% all the time) and the 6536 is somewhere in between
but if you look closely again at the FPS rate you will see that the normal 4728 scores the highest and most stable FPS rate (able to get 20~24 even with a 70% performance) of the 3 with 6536 scoring the lowest (never reached 20)
note that the normal 4728 shots are taken during REAL FIGHT footage which uses more resources while the other two builds are taken during TRAINING MODE which leaves less strain to the CPU since the enemy is doing nothing,also note that 10+FPS makes the game run at kabuto’s slo mo speed while 20+ FPS makes the game look quite normal to the human eye
that said,its completely possible for any of you with a standard PC to play this game,if you can’t find a good dolphin then the latest one is still okay,i’ve played much worse emulated games and this one is actually fully playable with some minor annoyances here and there
if it makes you feel any better,none of my builds can get scores this high when i played CHW or KRDK…so yeah,CHOOO is suprisingly light to emulate.