Yeah…I’m pretty sure all people run from chainsaws. I thought it was interesting how it was a piece of the entire clip, he was obviously telling a string of racist jokes. Which I dont have a problem with, racist jokes dont mean youre racist.
I was more more less wondering about the frequency of the word nigga in a completely white setting.
Being multiracial I’ve been mistaken latin american or middle eastern depending on if I cut my facial hair or not, so some people are stupid enough to ask me if I’m okay with black racism. Its happened before I cant make this up.
White people in a circle of just white people… Lets say they’re playing mvc2… Will throw around the word nigga with reckless abandon. It’ll be like listening to a rap song.
Then a black dude joins in the game and suddenly it’s all all ‘top of the morning to you!’ And ‘hey dudebro’
You thought everyone above that post of yours is white?
You could potentially be 10/10 incorrect, except Karin guy. Just saw one of her winquotes in Ken stuff come up as, “someone of your breeding, could never–etc”
You wanna talk about ice cream, put ice cream in the opening post, you didn’t do any of that, seems like we got a lot of that lately but its no conspiracy-lol you went to that pretty quick. How about you calm down with a bowl of your favorite ice cream.
You’re not putting forth very well - how we should care about this as much as you seemingly do all over maybe nothing. What you even mean. For anyone to understand you if you even have a case and something to maturely discuss.
mp4 link
"white people, discuss."
You didn’t even open the topic discussing it with your side. Now its a SRK white conspiracy!
So what? Stomp out all the racism in hollywood, don’t let people get big who are just as racist as the next guy -which I’m pretty sure SRK & our demographic didn’t make Bieber big. Stop them from becoming bigger by seeing some racism, so some Clipper Sterling stuff here?
We can’t even stop the racism in this fighting game circle. Seen worse than what bieber said on here and those guys do not go away even when called on it. Just, pretend it didn’t happen, they don’t have to change, and keep on moving, he’ll just come back later.
IMO, the better model of that is when it’s not talked about because everyone present knows it’s not something to see as a negative characteristic.
For example, I’m as pale as they come(IIRC my great-great-grandparents were direct immigrants from Ireland, not sure, but I’m 100% from the Emerald Isle, as far as I know). Now, my dad and I never really go in-depth about that sort of thing because we both feel by now that it’s wrong to see someone starting with the tone of their skin(we talked about it like twice, ever, and that was it lol, we both DO what we hold to be important instead of yammer on about it instead), it’s the person that counts.
So it’s not always because it’s uncomfortable to discuss those topics, sometimes it’s just that the example to be set is already crystal clear.
For better in this case, at least, that’s how I see it.
All parents need to talk to their kids about race, especially white parents.
It’s always a bad idea to think that kids will follow your example, they won’t.
So if children as young as 3 develop racial prejudices when left to their own (cognitively biased) devices, it may help for parents to intervene and, you know, actually talk to their kids about race. “Don’t you want to be the one to suggest to them—early on, before they do form those preconceptions—something positive [about other races] rather than let them pick up something negative?” asks Kristina Olson, a University of Washington psychologist who studies social cognitive development and racial bias. “White parents seem very, very resistant to talking about race—even really liberal ones—and they have this attitude of ‘I wouldn’t want to talk about it because it would make it real to my kids.’ But inevitably, it’s their kids that show these really strong race biases.” In fact, Olson says, when parents don’t talk about race, kids may infer from this silence that race is especially important, yet highly taboo—basically, the last thing you want them to think.
In her University of Texas dissertation, Simpson reported that the children of parents who actually did talk meaningfully with them about race had better racial attitudes at the end of the study than they did at the beginning. The kids whose parents glossed over the issue or didn’t discuss race did not improve.
Wanted to touch on this. As a kid growing up, I was NEVER really taught tolerance of other races. I wasn’t taught to be racist or that white people were superiour either, for what it’s worth. I used to listen to rap a lot, and threw around the word nigga a lot because I simply was never told it wasn’t something I should have been saying. I eventually said it around a black friend of mine, who no longer was my friend after that, and I have never said it since.
But a lot of white people I do know, especially older white people, are still racist in the sense that once it’s all white guys around, the way you describe somebody not white is via ethnicity (black people called N*****'s, arab’s called bomber’s, asians called chink’s, etc). But they’re not racist enough to actually do anything to inconvenience non white people (I’ve seen a guy at work who calls black guys the n-bomb non stop when they’re not around, yet will go fishing with a black guy at work and or let black guy and his family use his cottage while on vaction or will tell him to sit down and relax while he takes care of his job for him for a bit). My buddies great grandma still calls black people Darkies, to their face, and that IS her way of being nice to them.
It’s really hard to teach your kids tolerance, when the parents are intolerant too. I don’t know why it just can’t be taught in school or something.
I’d imagine if your teacher was racist as well it would be pretty difficult to learn about tolerance in school.
I had a high shool teacher that arranged a seating chart then slowly became lax until one side of the class was all white and the other side was all black, and he allowed it. Because he was a racist drunk that showed movies all class period, and only seemed to have a problem with the side that was predominately black making noise.
I think its really weird how I broke out of the racist box. I guess I’m lucky to have two parents that raised me to judge someone by their character because skin color is not an accurate portrayal of the type of person they are.
I will say this, a lot of black people are raised to befriend white people but not to trust them. I dont really know how to explain it better than that. I dont know if I can blame people for stuff like that given the united states history with minorities, the Tuskegee experiments are still something that I am utterly disgusted by, socially its a reason why typically blacks are less likely to go to the doctor.
Racism has really altered the way we interact socially with one another, to the point where people just rather not talk about it at all. I dont get it.