Juri is Way Too weak

Juri right now is at C.Viper state when SF4 was just released.
We dont know shit yet… dont make thread’s like these.

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  • Be quick and concise, people respect a person who is all business and gets straight to the point.
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  • If you have to question or argue any of the advice you’re given, make it look like you’re not sure so that someone more knowledgeable can step in and say “yeah, don’t listen to that guy he has no idea what he’s talking about”
  • Become part of your local community through the regional forum and ask your questions in your region’s thread. Moderation is pretty lax over in regional and if you manage to make actual friends over there, they probably won’t mind answering your questions.

Okay now that we got that cleared. What are your impressions on Juri after using her. I agree with D-Proto she’s like C.Viper for now, weak since nobody understands her. Then things will change when people find out ideal Feng Shuei Engine combos and set ups for her Super.

so you think you can tell if a character is good or not after playing the game for less than a month???

you’re a fucking moron

Lol @ expecting new korean char to be competent.

History of new korean in fighter goes like this.
Crappy tier until some zealous korean posts a video of god tier level playing. Ppl are amused. Char still remain unseen/gimmick @ tourney.

I wouldnt expect any less.

Just quoting this to make sure you didn’t skip over it OP

This is the best combo i have seen so far with ultra II
But its on the corner…
i doubt we will see that combo on an actual match.

I didn’t skip over it. I think he was implying that I was a scrub, even though I am most certainly am not.

That’s Ultra I.

Kim Kaphwan would like a word with you O_o

You’re right.
my bad =(

Yeah you are
the game hasnt been exploded at all
we barely know around 20% of everything in the game, and you come here implying that a character which you clearly don’t know how to use on a competitive level is weak

This is a really stupid thread

Well saying she’s weak isn’t the same as saying she sucks. She’s either weak, medium or strong and that’s just how it works. I’m merely observing that she’s on the ‘weak but fast’ end and asking for other people’s impressions. Notice how you didn’t post a single thing relevant to that in this thread you just talk about how ‘dumb’ this thread is.

Only a scrub would think that you can figure out a character in less than a day. You are a scrub stop thinking you are not and start thinking about how to stop being one(stop posting start learning).

Its stupid cause there’s no point in actually posting something intelligent when the OP thinks he can figure out a character in a day… stupid OP… stupid thread… its pretty simple

hahah somebody is getting the beatdown right now. why are you posting in the newbie thread anyways? youve been around far too long to be asking questions in the newbie thread.

to answer your question though, i too, feel that she is not as good as i had hoped. but also, this isnt fair judgment because ive only used her for less than an hour. my opinion could and probably will completely change in a few months.

can we just get this thread closed already, goto the juri forum and look at the character threads and learn how to use her, look for video’s on youtube…

you cant judge a character off a day of playing.

Oh why didn’t you take your own advice from day 1…

I’ve been playing with Juri since day 1 and absolutely love her. She’s making me think about leaving Chun. She has a lot of unsafe options, so he need to play smart when using her. Random dive kicks and pinwheels get you killed fast. Learn how to zone with her fireballs. My roommate is a Gief player, and dive kick beats lariat or it trades. Not sure, it could be that he just suck, cause all he does is spam lariat all day. Im so glad its been nerfed. It will force him to learn how to play Gief the right way.