Juri Art

Sad, but also adorable… and representative of my first several fights trying to pick her up as an alt.


According to danbooru, the translation is:

What!? Stop staring!

I-I’m not crying

Ugh, shit

Ah, thanks.

I usually don’t post danbooru on here, since the content and ads are often not safe for work. I do endorse its sfw mirror though.

If you’re on a -booru upload site, follow Boro (artist name) for comical Juri pieces. Some seriously great stuff there. :lol:


Another cosplay


there should be more of her!

Since we’re talking about art and fightsticks I thought this would be a good place for this post.

I’ve put together a couple of sticks and would like to show the group for comments.

All sticks have the Akishop PS360 in them for use with PC/PS3/360. It’s an absolute peach to use.
Here’s stick #1. I didn’t put the artwork together on this one but bought it from someone. Thank you someone! All I had to do was put in the PCB…

Here’s stick #2. I’ve scanned in the artwork from a PS3 and 360 stick and stripped out the “Arcadestick” artwork and the button designations. Let me know if anyone wants what I’ve used and I’ll send you the PSD files. The capcom and SSF4AE logos can be found via google search.
I’ve taken the artwork, mostly, from the Deviantart site linked in this thread. This one’s my fav.
All artwork was sent to http://www.tek-innovations.com/arthobbies/ for printing.

Here’s stick #3. The picture doesn’t do it justice, I think.

Here’s stick #4. I had only planned on making 2 and 3. While in the process of putting them together my girlfriend made the comment that I spent more time with “Juri” than with her. So instead of blow her off or make a logical argument I made this stick to piss her off, lol. It worked, and I think it turned out well.

I’m kicking around ideas for stick #5 so I’m looking for comments on these. So far I have “busy” and “boring”, but these are from people who thought these sticks were for frogger…

Those sticks kick ass man. I want 'em…especially the last one (and the first one, but definitely the last one lol).

Seriously, I like them a lot. Good work.

Thought I would try my hand at some stick art. I did a photomanipulation o the actress who plays gogo from Kill Bill and a painting of myself and put it on the stick…took some artwork and put it in the background and such. The frames on the top was an idea i’ve had for a while but I couldnt find a gif of fuharenjin.

Thats a pretty badass concept man!

It would be awesome if there was an alternate costume of Juri with her hair down, ;_;

This is really cool! I really like the animation on the top and “serving our queen”, nice touch.

the French comic is made funnier by the fact that I use all three characters… :lol: :coffee:


I am of the opinion that Color schemes #9 and #10 will one day drive me blind. But my friends like it, so they make me pick it from time to time…

Why Rose has a pregnancy kit strip, I will never know.

Figure I’ll post my Juri+Ken stick in here. I just grabbed some Juri art from a -booru site and tossed in in a template so not too impressive I guess. I like how it turned out though. :slight_smile:

Click the pics to embiggen.

Hey mine telling me where you got those pink buttons from? I just made some custom art and am in need of purple or pink buttons.

Try focusattack or lizardlick. You can mix and match the inner and outer parts for any color combination you want.

Yeah I got mine from Lizardlick. They are the black/violet Sanwas: http://www.lizardlick.com/Sanwa-OBSF-30-30mm-Pushbutton-BlackViolet_p_353.html

Thanks I just ordered black/purple buttons!

Here is the shit load of Juri pics I found while looking for art for my stick. You should definitely check it out.

Thanks for the rar. There’s a SSF4AE logo out there if you wanted to use it, as opposed to the SSF4 one.

Yea I have one but it didn’t look right when I used the magic wand on it so, I went with the Super logo.

Magic wand? I have a PSD file of it with no background if you want it.

Here’s the stickart I’m planning on using for my stick: