You cannot do a power up while you are in the “power up state”. If you glitch juggernaut (power up then tag out) then tag him back in and power up he will lose his glitch, he will also lose his glitch if he takes the ruby heart power up assist.
man jugg is so top tier Power up + HC = 98% ggpo newb
Man what the fuck ever happened to Mike Z? Last I heard he switched to rogue,storm,tron does he still even play? I saw some team z matches they were fantastic i think he was the first person to really kick ass with low-mid tiers.
can you mash buttons to get more hits out of his head crush?
yes, you can get up to 8 if you mash it enough
I think I just discovered a new assist infinite for Juggs.
In the corner
Launch, LP, LK, then a delayed HP that doesn’t combo
That should put the assist in “bouncy mode,” which is basically when the assist bounces off the ground, lands and then retreats.
Before the assist lands, do a jumping LK in jumping HK, and repeat or launch for damage.
Anyone wanna test that in a match and see what happens?