JTM/SRK MSPaint Whispers VI: The Dickening -- GAME THREAD

I have needed not disclose the name.

Are we really going to have to change him for Negaduck?

@Negaduck Save us plz.

So… Game Over?

Indefinite hiatus. Like the average srk user’s sexlife

Which still doesn’t explain @Joshkaz’s disappearance.

But maybe this does:


@“Missing Person” Can I draw in Josh’s place?

If I can find one more describer, sure.

@Vynce would you be in?

Word :tup:

Not the hero we need, but the one we deserve

Happy the game is back on!

@“Missing Person” Give me the description and I’ll try to have something by the end of the day.

Submitted. Game back on.

We are now to the 3rd describer.

Gaddamn, if we were any slower we’d be going backwards

SRK and JTM: Taking over 2 weeks to draw 4 pictures.

Well, I can at least say I finished my submission.

@Blindknagg BURN @“chadouken!”

This game will finish after the release of Tekken X Street Fighter.