June 2, 2010, 5:06am
??? ??? ??? ???
CH??2:8???3:7???3:7??? 3.5:6.5
YU ? 4:6 ?? 4:6 ??? 4:6 ??? 4:6
KE ? 3:7 ?? 4:6 ?? ? 4:6 ??? 4.5:5.5
DU ? 4:6 ?? 4.5:5.5 ??3.5:6.5?? 4:6
UR ? 4:6 ?? 4.5:5.5 ?? 5:5 ??? 4.5:5.5
MA ? 4:6 ?? 4:6 ??? 4.5:5.5 ?? 5:5
GO ? 5:5 ?? 6:4 ??? 5.5:4.5 ?? 6:4
RY ? 4:6 ?? 5:5 ??? 6:4 ??? 6:4
OR ? 5:5???5.5:4.5 ? 6:4 ? ?? 5.5:4.5
EL ? 4:6 ??? 5:5 ??? 5.5:4.5 ? 5:5
AL ? 6:4 ??? 5.5:4.5 ? 6:4 ??? 5.5:4.5
IB ? 6:4 ??? 6:4 ??? 6.5:3.5 ? 6:4
HU ? 6:4 ?? 5.5:4.5 ?? 6:4 ??? 5.5:4.5
Q ??6:4 ??? 5:5 ??? 6:4 ??? 5.5:4.5
RE ?6:4 ??? 6.5:3.5 ?? 6:4 ??? 7.5:2.5
NE ? 5:5 ??? 5.5:4.5 ?? 6:4 ??? 5.5:4.5
TW ? 7:3 ??? 8:2 ??? 7:3 ??? 7.5:2.5
SH ? 6:4 ???7:3 ??? 7:3 ??? 7:3
I don’t get it.How do you tell what the matchup is with two different characters when there is only one column for characters?Am I meant to be able to read the Japanese in the column at the top?What does the 2:8 next to chuns name mean for example.
Also what character is SH?I assume Sean.
??? = Roshihikari?
??? = Furo
??? = Tokura
??? = K.O
It’s their opinion on Yang’s matchups. And that blog is always godlike. I’d LOVE to understand some of the posts in there, lol…
Roshihikari is bugging though with that 5:5 match up with akuma
the comments on that post seem pretty informative when i checked it, i believe K.O is the creator of that post and i saw him responding with some beefy posts, it would be GRAND if someone can translate that :lovin:
the comments on that post seem pretty informative when i checked it, i believe K.O is the creator of that post and i saw him responding with some beefy posts, it would be GRAND if someone can translate that :lovin:
Nica please reply to my PM
You still haven’t uploaded that thing you promised me…
June 2, 2010, 9:58pm
hope you like it
any translate some other stuff from that blog? if only google translate were more accurate :sad:
June 2, 2010, 10:44pm
Part of KO’s 5/13 blog post, “Dieting & Games”:
It’s been over three years since I’ve told people "Starting tomorrow I’m gonna start dieting."
I told Mester “this time I seriously want to go on a diet!”,
and proposed that I’m gonna buy a bike to ride it to GSV(Gamespot Versus).
When Mester and I were about to head out after playing Gundam at GSV, I thought I was gonna go to the usual pattern of “ahhhh fuck getting a bike, I’ll buy it tomorrow”…but boy was I wrong!
Mester walked with me from Nishi-Nippori to the Don Quixote store in Akihabara to get a bike.
So I bought one, and my will to diet has finally come out!
Sorry, but I just had to translate this part it was so kyoot omg :lovin:
KO getting real serious about winning this year
June 3, 2010, 4:38pm
Part of KO’s 5/13 blog post, “Dieting & Games”:
Sorry, but I just had to translate this part it was so kyoot omg :lovin:
haha good shit to him
LOL this part was pretty good ““ahhhh fuck getting a bike, I’ll buy it tomorrow”…but boy was I wrong!”
keep the translations coming, no matter what they are…i see Boss has a lot of posts in that blog too
June 4, 2010, 12:31am
nishi nippori to akiba is kinda far. i got tired going from harajuku to shibuya :xeye:
June 4, 2010, 6:13am
The rest of KO’s blog post:
When I started at 4/17, my weight was somehow 105kg. lol
I wonder if I took in about 7000 calories a day… lol
I switched my calorie intake to 1800 a day, and also two days of running and moving around by bike.
I successfully went down to 97kg in a week!
However, it’s rough restricting myself from certain foods…
I take in about 2500 calories a day…
"Well first off, I’m going to stop drinking juices. (0 calories should be okay lol)
I’m also going to stop eating my beloved ice cream.
I’m not going to eat any candy either.
I’m going to stop eating Jir-…I can’t stop eating Jiro(ramen chain), I’m sorry."
Going through that for a month and my current weight being 91kg, it feels rather good.
It was rough trying to resist from eating Garigari-kun(a famous popsicle brand in Japan) and drinking Dr. Pepper at first, but I’ve gotten so use to it I don’t even think about them.
I’ve been devoting myself to Gundam.
koFamily@3rdGundam Club
Members: myself, Dan-ani(Dan), Kashi, Shinchan
Anyone who can play both 3rd Strike and Gundam!
Let’s all battle at GSV! lol
I’ll translate some other blog posts later today. Class right now.
June 4, 2010, 3:45pm
Please aku, keep 'em coming
Man these translations are pure gold. Really appreciate it aku, you’re doing a great job!
June 4, 2010, 7:56pm
Boss’s last entry 5/9/2010, “The first battle of '10”
??? ???3R???
So we lost in the finals of the first qualifier.
Apparently the winners of the area were Ochibi, Tokido and KO. Congrats.
Anyway, Kazuya in a single-game format was the most dangerous one.
The guy moves like a pro for his first time in a tournament. lol
I won the first round easily, and it looked like I could’ve taken the 2nd round as well,
but I got caught by gimmicks off the LK Shourankyaku in the corner *, and the the 3rd round was…err…yeah…
*LK Shourankyaku: the deadly j.HK whiff to Karakusa. The HK Shourankyaku is a blocked j.HK->dash-up Karakusa.(which is what Raou and I refer to them as)
NOTE: I’m actually kinda confused by the part in bold, so if anyone else can help confirm this then it’d be appreciated.
Well, the cause of today’s loss was frankly our team name.
On the train headed to the tourn…
“What should we do about this year’s team name?”
“Wouldn’t our team name from last year(Peach Power Boss*) be alright?“
Peach in Japanese is “momo”(Momochi), Power = the kanji used for “riki” in Rikimaru, Boss = …Boss
"Nah, isn’t our team name this year “Peach Power Ball?”
*Power Ball = “Rikimaru”
“It seems typo-ish, but it looks like it’s true.”
“lolol So, shall we try going with that name?”
”…(Boss)I’m not even on the team! lol haha”
…with these exchange of words passed, if you go with “Peach Power Ball” you’re dead.
It was totally a sign of death for us…
We’re planning on returning to “Peach Power Boss” next time…
Great translations, thanks amigo.
Also, the link to Moto’s page is great for dos and don’ts regarding character-specific Twelve combos. Plus I didn’t know a lk D.R.A. could be used as a definite cross-over if placed right, I thought it was more of an ambiguous affair. Great demonstrations on there too.
June 4, 2010, 11:49pm
Lol holy cow, Boss not being “on the team” killed them completely lol
June 5, 2010, 10:35pm
Decided to translate Kokujin’s latest blog entry.
May 24th, 2010.
I’m really happy that the live SSF4 stream on Nicovideo seemed to be a big hit!
Thank you everyone for watching!
Now for my personal opinion…
It was really interesting in terms of a show to have everyone appear individually,
but I think I was on a little too much in the broadcast,
so it’d be better for KSK to try and properly host the whole thing…
GODSGARDEN definitely needs KSK after all,
and it’s fun for me to pick on him and such… lol
I think I’m going to pick on KSK and Umehara even more if there’s a second event!
I’m going to show the serious side of Kokujin, the gaming world’s “Gaia” specialist!
Now for 3S at Osaka-Tenman Vegas…
I’ve gotten pretty weak again because of not really playing as much.
They’re an awesome arcade for helping me get readjusted.
To all you fuckers that lost, remember this!
Gonna have to change the subject, but…
The girls in Osaka are high-level.
They especially have some hot legs!
I also started using twitter.
If all of you would like, please follow me~
Nice to see that Kokujin shares my love for Osakan girls and their hot legs.
June 7, 2010, 5:02pm
haha good shit to Kokujin
its whack that he hasnt been playing much but shieeet he qualified already so he’s good to go
June 7, 2010, 7:53pm
I still remember the old “Evo2K4 Quotes” thread where Kokujin had some of the funniest quotes in the thread.
June 7, 2010, 8:36pm
I still remember the old “Evo2K4 Quotes” thread where Kokujin had some of the funniest quotes in the thread.
LOL omg get outta here, is that thread still around?!?
June 7, 2010, 9:07pm
Read Dr. Strangelove’s post.
Actually, a lot of really good quotes are spread out in that thread, check it out.