JP 3rd Strike blogs


Roshihikari is bugging though with that 5:5 match up with akuma

the comments on that post seem pretty informative when i checked it, i believe K.O is the creator of that post and i saw him responding with some beefy posts, it would be GRAND if someone can translate that :lovin:

Nica please reply to my PM :slight_smile:
You still haven’t uploaded that thing you promised me…

hope you like it

any translate some other stuff from that blog? if only google translate were more accurate :sad:

Part of KO’s 5/13 blog post, “Dieting & Games”:

Sorry, but I just had to translate this part it was so kyoot omg :lovin:


KO getting real serious about winning this year

haha good shit to him

LOL this part was pretty good ““ahhhh fuck getting a bike, I’ll buy it tomorrow”…but boy was I wrong!”

keep the translations coming, no matter what they are…i see Boss has a lot of posts in that blog too

nishi nippori to akiba is kinda far. i got tired going from harajuku to shibuya :xeye:

The rest of KO’s blog post:

I’ll translate some other blog posts later today. Class right now.

Please aku, keep 'em coming :rofl:

Man these translations are pure gold. Really appreciate it aku, you’re doing a great job!

Boss’s last entry 5/9/2010, “The first battle of '10”

Ouch… :frowning:

Great translations, thanks amigo.

Also, the link to Moto’s page is great for dos and don’ts regarding character-specific Twelve combos. Plus I didn’t know a lk D.R.A. could be used as a definite cross-over if placed right, I thought it was more of an ambiguous affair. Great demonstrations on there too.

Lol holy cow, Boss not being “on the team” killed them completely lol

Decided to translate Kokujin’s latest blog entry.

May 24th, 2010.

Nice to see that Kokujin shares my love for Osakan girls and their hot legs. :rofl:

haha good shit to Kokujin

its whack that he hasnt been playing much but shieeet he qualified already so he’s good to go

lmfao kokujin.

I still remember the old “Evo2K4 Quotes” thread where Kokujin had some of the funniest quotes in the thread.


LOL omg get outta here, is that thread still around?!?

Read Dr. Strangelove’s post.

Actually, a lot of really good quotes are spread out in that thread, check it out.