JonnyQuest's Avatar Request

The more I look at those av’s the more I can’t wait to see mine. Make me proud JQ.

sorry, these recent requests have been taking so long…
but they will be completed soon… =)

oh, and DevONEant… i understand mag/storm/ironman… but ryu?!
is this a joke?!

the reason’s i ask:

  1. ryu sucks in marvel
  2. there is only 3 characters per team
  3. this is only a registered avatar, 4 sprites is kinda pushing it. (only exception, same character w/ different animation or/and different color costumes for each.)
  4. refer to #1. :lol: j/k.

yeah i dont mean to bug you or anythign jq, but is my av anywhere near ready? thanks.

yeah i dont mean to bug you or anythign jq, but is my av anywhere near ready? thanks.

yep, it’s almost done… i just pulled 60 hrs. at work (only reason it’s not yet)…
the color editing on dudley is all i have left…

it’s above now… **

working on: fifty, silent shinobi, dev1ant

btw silent shinobi, do you have anything w/ ky in his brown suit i don’t have any of the guilty gear games to see what it looks like…

Can’t wait. Good looking homie. If you can make the color on Dudley mk color, that’s a bet.

I would like to request an avatar about Naruto, Jonny. Make it out to “Naruto,” which is another alias of mine on another forum. It has to be a JPEG file though, and the dimensions are 62 x 62. Thanks.
