Jill Gun Hyper Thread

Hey guys, I was doing some testing as to how invincible her Gun Hyper (:qcf::2p:) really is. I tested it against these character’s Hypers, by doing it on reaction during the Hyper Flash.

Some Level 3’s are impossible to react to, even if they aren’t command grabs, so don’t try.

Akuma - Beats all of his Hypers.

Amaterasu - Loses to Okami Shuffle, but beats all of her other Hypers.

Arthur - Beats his :qcf::2p: Hyper, his Armor Super is safe, and loses to his Level 3.

C. Viper - Beats all of her Hypers, but her Level 3 is too fast to react to.

Captain America - Beats all of his Hypers.

Chris Redfield - Beats all of his Hypers except for his :qcb::2p: Missile Launcher.

Chun - Beats all of her Hypers except it loses to her Fireball Hyper at mid to far ranges, but wins from close range.

Dante - Beats all of his Hypers, however his :qcb::2p: is safe.

Deadpool - Beats all of his Hypers.

Dormammu - Beats his Beam Hyper from close range, trades from medium range, loses at full screen. Beats his Homing Hyper from close, loses from mid and far. Beats his level 3.

Doctor Doom - Beats his :dp::2p: Hyper, but you get hit by some shots on the way down. Beats his :qcb::2p: most of the time, loses from point blank. His level 3 is a command grab.

Felicia - Beats all of her Hypers.

Haggar - Beats all of his Hypers except for his Level 3 which is a command grab.

Hsien’ko - Beats her :qcf::2p: Hyper, her Golden Armor Hyper is safe, and her :qcb::2p: Hyper will still hit you for full if you end up anywhere within the range of the falling spike balls.

**Hulk **- Beats all of his Hypers. If you use it against his :qcb::2p: Hyper neither of you actually gets hit, but I believe you have time to punish him in his recovery.

Iron Man - Beats his Beam Hypers from up close, but loses from far. Beats his Level 3.

Jill Sandwich - Beats itself from max range, but loses from mid or far ranges. Beats :dp::2p:. Her Level 3 is safe.

MODOK - Loses to his Beam Hyper, beats all others.

Magneto - Beats all of his Hypers (including Gravity Squeeze!) except for Magnetic Shockwave from far range.

Morrigan - Beats all of her Hypers.

Phoenix - Only beats her :qcf::2p: Hyper from very close range. However, if you kill Phoenix and use the Gun Hyper before she transforms (does not work after the Hyper flash) you will hit her before she recovers, and possibly DHC/XFC into a free kill on her.

Ryu - Beats all of his Hypers, except for his Beam Hyper pointed upwards from point blank, also impossible to react to his Level 3.

Sentinel - Beats Hyper Sentinel Force, sometimes you take one hit. Loses to his :qcf::2p:. Loses to his Air :qcf::2p:.

She Hulk - Beats all of her Hypers except for her Level 3 (only from point blank, it punishes her for the car) because it’s a command grab.

Shuma Gorath - Beats all of his Hypers.

Spencer - Beats all of his Hypers.

Spider Man - Beats all of his Hypers.

Storm - Loses to Ice Storm, but beats all of her other Hypers.

Super Skrull - Beats all of his Hypers except for his :qcb::2p: Inferno Hyper.

Taskmaster - Beats all of his Hypers.

Thor - Beats his :qcf::2p: Hyper from anywhere but point blank, also beats his :dp::2p: Hyper. Loses to his command grab Hyper.

Trish - Beats all of her Hypers.

Tron Bonne - Beats all of her Hypers except for her Level 3 which is a command grab.

Viewtiful Joe - Beats all of his Hypers.

Wesker - Beats all of his Hypers. Sometimes trades with his level 1.

Wolverine - Beats all of his Hypers except for his :qcb::2p: when at point blank range, also his :d::d::2p: Hyper is safe.

X-23 - Beats all of her Hypers, but her Level 3 is safe.

Zero -Beats all of his Hypers.

Wow, it beats HSF? That alone makes it useful!

No reason to even mention grabs that are unescapable after the flash, also, Thor has no level 3.

Ohhh, so you reaction counter hyper then DHC with it?

One good thing to test out too is against dark phoenix. If it’s easy to react punish DP’s fireballs or teleport or whatever then you could probably DHC to kill her off. Jill could become a pretty good DP killer.

No point in not mentioning them.

I wasn’t aware that wasn’t a level 3, haha. I just assumed it was considering all other grab Hypers are.

Heya guys. I’ve also been playing around with this super a bit and have found some pretty dirty tricks. So dirty, in fact, that I kinda don’t even want to post them! But hell, final round has come and gone so I’ll contribute.

At certain ranges the gun super actually OTGs then proceeds to ambiguously hit about 3-5 more times. Combined with the right assist, this can lead to an easy reset combo for big damage. With the right spacing, they’ll likely need to guess every time.

Note that I haven’t tried this against every character, nor have I tried every character’s assist. The best range I’ve found is a little past sweep (old MK term, but basically a little beyond a character’s leg away). For some reason the super does not corner cross-up an opponent that is on the ground. This is very strange, considering the super does corner cross up normally. I’ve left information regarding the corner in as, if someone hasn’t seen that the OTG version doesn’t corner crossup, but knows that the super normally does, it becomes even more confusing.

Jill Gun Hyper OTG Ambiguous Crossup Reset

Assists that seem to work well for this setup:

Dr. Doom - Hidden Missiles (works best in corner, but that’s not ambiguous)
Dormamu - Dark Hole (works anywhere, but needs a backdash beforehand in the corner)
Super Skrull - Tenderizer
M.O.D.O.K. - Balloon Bomb
(pretty cool one)
Captain America - Shield Slash
Thor - Mighty Spark
Thor - Mighty Smash

Iron Man - Repulsor Blast
Dante - Jam Session (wonky, works best in the corner followed by a neutral jump)
Dante - Crystal (requires proper spacing, you want to land on the other side where a low light will connect)
Dante - Weasel Shot (friggin Dante)
Amaterasu - Cold Star
Hsien-Ko - Senpu Bu
Sentinel - Sentinel Force (because every trick works with sent)
Arthur - Fire Bottle Toss (works with or without gold armor, requires good spacing)

Worthwhile Mentions:

Akuma - Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (It works for this, but the timing is extremely strict. Also, I’m not sure if you can make it ambiguous with this assist. I’ll play around with it more some other time.)
Ryu - Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (This looked like I could connect a standing medium at the end, but I didn’t thoroughly test it.)
Captain America - Stars and Stripes (This looks awesome. Doesn’t actually work as a reset, but undoubtedly a great way to style on someone.)
Hsien-Ko - Anki Hou (Works if you land, call the assist, then dash forward and cancel the dash to super… and then only if you get the stun item–though it is pretty epic once achieved. I luckily got the stun item on the first try or I wouldn’t have had the patience to find out.)

I might just update this list in the future.

Also, just to clarify, Dr. Doom’s level 3 is not a grab it just can’t be blocked after the flash. Someone else mentioned Thor doesn’t have a level 3, and you can just edit both of those :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve cleaned this up a bit to fit with your format. Feel free to add it to the original post with a little credit this-a-way :tup:

Nope, MODOK’s grab is not a level 3.

Going to a gaming fest this weekend.

Will be messing around with Jill pretty much exclusively. Will post anything related to this move that I discover.

Is that actually a grab? If it is I’m pretty sure it isn’t a 1 frame grab like all the others.

Dr Doom’s level three is not a grab, it is merely already active on the super freeze frame, thus inescapable after the flash. While we’re on topic, hyper throws in this game aren’t 1 frame, they’re merely inescapable after the flash, it’s possible (though I’ve only done it it training mode, and only with the slower ones) to react to the hyper combo “dong” and jump out.

(Also, yes, MODOK’s level 3 is a grab.)

It seems like we’re getting a little off track here. (and I can’t resist either guys, MODOK doesn’t have a level 3).

Anyone find out anything else about this versatile hyper? I’ve just been trying to get the OTG reset with Akuma’s tatsu assist for my team and I’m getting a disheartening success:failure ratio.

Okay, updated now with every Hyper in the game.

I could’ve sworn I have beaten Sentinel’s Plasma Storm with it. Maybe it is spacing or timing specific?

There may be something I didn’t try, maybe fullscreen?

I’ve shot Amaterasu out of Okami Shuffle just using it during the super flash before. It’s not consistent, but it can happen and is a good option in desperate times.

Yeah from full screen I’ve blocked the fire portion Okami Shuffle then launched this hyper to punish and avoid chip damage.

this probably should be added to the thread? if possible


interesting thanks

Why doesn’t it beat Wolverine’s level 3 on reaction? Isn’t it invincible from the very first frame? Maybe i’m just doing it wrong or not fast enough…