Jill fell out of a window. The Chris Redfield Teammates discussion thread

I do find Frank/Dante to be a good choice. Love me some Frank.
I have heard how Haggar/Jam session is really good but I haven’t tried it myself. Something to consider.
I hate Dante though :frowning:

I did hear Yoshi was dropping Spencer, kinda funny since I’m all about picking Spencer up now.
Who is he going to use instead? Yoshi where are you?

Interestingly enough, he said Haggar. Don’t know where he’s been though.

That sounds too good to be true. West Coast needs some more mayors to clean up.

i’ve seen gcyoshi’s more recent matches and can understand why he’d want to switch to haggar lariat. but i don’t understand replacing spencer with haggar. imo he should stick with his chris, spencer, sentinel team and play it in a different order. he always plays chris first and against some matchups that can be hard without any gtfo assist.

but if he does decide to run haggar, chris, sentinel then i’m all for it since it’s my current team but in that order. haggar w/ chris is definitely one of the better duos in the game and can switch roles easily on that team. but i’d say its a stronger haggar team than it is a strong chris team w/ chris being able to fight haggars bad matchup very well.

I think the issue with playing Chris second is that if your point character gets tagged, Chris is left with only one assist. It’s starting to seem like Chris is a character that depends on two assists, since he has so many weak points. I know Haggar benefits from Chris with a great neutral assist, combo extension and adding damage, but I think Haggar’s Lariat adds more to Chris’s game than Gun Fire adds to Haggar’s game and I’ll tell you why. Gun Fire helps Haggar get in and keep pressure up, which is great, and the THC let’s him kill characters off of one hit, which is also awesome, but let’s look at Chris for a second. Chris is extremely susceptible to good rush down. All of his moves simply have too much start up to deal with this game’s offense, and he suffers tremendously. Haggar gets in with Gun Fire, but he doesn’t necessarily need the one-touch kill because his resets are fairly strong. I know it’s always better to kill, but Haggar with just one neutral assist (the anchor character’s) and no one-touch kill isn’t as bad as Chris with one neutral assist and no one-touch kill.

It basically comes down to the fact that Haggar has many more ways to open up his opponent than Chris does, with air and ground command throws, pipe, and safe special moves; so the one-touch kill isn’t as important to him as it is to Chris, who probably has the least ways to open up a character in the game (even Phoenix Wright has an overhead). Haggar without Gun Fire just means he has to reset his opponent when he lands a hit, but Chris without Lariat means he has to take great risks to keep rush down characters off of him, and he has to reset his opponent if he manages to land a hit; which basically means go for an air throw at the end of the combo and those get teched quite often nowadays.

Something else to think about when putting Chris second is that he can’t really take incoming mix ups very well. You have to survive the 50/50 and then survive the mix up when you land. If you manage to do both, you have to use your one assist to get the opponent off of you, which probably isn’t Lariat since Haggar most likely just died. Sentinel’s Drones won’t help get the rush down off of you either and so you’d have to have two GTFO assists on the team and that might not be the best for combos and overall synergy. I know I’m diving in deep on the subject but I guess I’m just excited that we have some good discussion going on here.

The thing I’ve always admired the most about GcYoshi’s team is that if Chris died, he still had Spencer/Sentinel, which is an awesome pair. It’s like the team doesn’t break a sweat when Chris goes down, and I think that’s the formula for finding a good Chris team. A good pair of characters who’s assists benefit Chris, hence why I said Chris/Frank/Dante might be the best Chris team out there.

TL;DR: It seems Chris needs both a GTFO assist and a neutral/long range assist. Having one without the other hurts his game harder than it would most other characters, and so putting him second instead of first puts a lot of pressure on your point character, in my opinion.

I’m probably never going to actually drop Spencer, but I want to keep some pocket characters. Basically I felt like I was forced with two options: 1) Drop Spencer and learn a different character that could also benefit Chris or 2) Practice Spencer until I’m I have a Knives/Yipes level Spencer (this is preferred).

My main fret with Spencer is that his assist is purely a combo extending assist. It has some gimmicky uses in the neutral game, but all in all, it’s an assist you never really want to call out much.

Pretty much agreeing with Denjin, I feel like Chris needs two important things:

  1. Close/Mid-screen protection. This can be quick hitting assists or pseudo-invincible assists or mid-screen lockdown. Think of Haggar Lariat, Hsien-Ko Senpubu(Golden Armor), Amaterasu Cold Star, Iron Man Repulsor, or Akuma Tatsumaki. If Chris does not have these things, he’s very prone to getting mauled. I realized this is a major flaw to my team that was exploited in a recent FT10 I had with Drew Grimey. Once his C.Viper cornered my Chris, I could not fight back since he can keep relentless pressure with Thunder Knuckle cancels with Strider assist. What could I do with Viper in my face? I can’t call either of my assists since Spencer’s slant grapple is not very good to protect myself with and Sentinel drones is way too slow.

  2. Either an Anti-air assist or Drones. With no air coverage, Strider, Doom, Hawkeye, and even Shuma’s assists has a lot of benefits for Chris. Drones are a special case since it’s both a full screen lockdown and a projectile assist. Being a very slow assist too, it’s fairly easy to have people run into them on the way down. Basically, you want an assist to either swat fliers or catch them once they have to land.

I feel my team is well constructed but it has some serious flaws that might require me to pick up some pocket characters. I also haven’t been playing too much recently but once school ends on the 22nd, I’m heading to FGTV whenever I can to practice for FR16.

Also to be very honest, the character I should be replacing should obviously be Sentinel, but this is a problem with character loyalty. I also feel like Chris/Drones has always been my signature.

I’ll visit this thread more to engage more in discussion.

I saw that FT10 with Drew Grimey and watched every start of the match afterwards. I couldn’t really see what I would have done differently to be honest, Viper/Strider is one of the best shells in the game. You just have to guess whether she’ll stay on the ground and counter-poke with cr.m, or she’ll air dash and go for a Land Mine. If you guess wrong, the air dash beats the cr.m and the ground approach will beat the Land Mine’s start up. I was thinking the same thing about having pocket characters though. I feel like if you really wanna make it far with Chris, you have to be able to play a variety of characters that benefit him.

As for the Sentinel thing, I heard someone say that playing Sentinel starts to really grow on you and sooner or later you can’t see yourself playing without it, or it just feels weird. The thing that keeps me stuck on Drones is 1.) It slows down the pace of the match and 2.) Besides Vajra, it’s really the only ender for Chris’s high damage combos. I can’t play Chris without one-touch kills because that one touch is hard to come by. Still, having to come back with Sentinel is just disheartening at times. At least yours is good, haha.

I would also suggest this. When I picked up Spencer I watched hours of Knives/Yipes/Infrit/Bee sets and learned combos/setups that way. Pretty good material. I need to grab more often but I feel confident in everything else after a couple months of practice.
I also have a lot of school to deal with so I know how you feel. I can’t wait for spring break next week so I can lab it up.

I’m not going to force you to change your game, but I would suggest taking a closer look at the h shot assist. It’s much better for neutral since it’s horizontal, it can catch people by surprise when running away or teching, and obviously gives Chris a free pickup when it brings the opponent to him. You initially lose good combo/reset potential if you drop slant but the BnB with h shot still builds 2 bars which means you can DHC to Spencer and follow up for the kill if you need to. I really like using it, oh and the whole confirm full screen off a magnum shot is pretty convenient too.

Yea the only thing I could think of in that corner lockdown was crossover Sent and hard drive but I guess a well timed vajra or spiral sword DHC punishes that.
Viper blows up too much stuff, I had a hell of a time against Marlin at Winter Brawl with both point Chris and point Haggar.

I’ve also noticed that Sent players are almost way too loyal with that character, and never drop him as a result. Broken record and all, but putting Doom in there against tougher matchups might be more beneficial in the long run, but anchor sent is better than anchor doom so it’s a tough call.

Agree with ChrisD, Doom will be benefit you a lot better as anchor. He works great with Both Chris and Spencer, you can exploit more than one of his assists depending on the matchup, and he’s just that much better of an anchor with or without x-factor 3.

I agree with GCYoshi in regards to Spencer. To anyone that I have played, it is quite obvious that my Spencer is ass. Yipes/Knives/Bee/Infrit have ridiculous Spencer’s and mine is just terrible. Therefore, I would need to step it up with him.

I have been playing off and on for some time now and I have made a decision to keep my team (Chris/Spencer/Taskmaster) but perhaps learn another character to replace Spencer…maybe. Perhaps…Trish…or Jill…

I’ve even been looking into Wesker but his style of play doesn’t suit me. I don’t know. I don’t have a GTFO me assist but am considering Spencer’s Armor Piercer. Chris can do damage on his own and I really don’t use Slant Wire Grapple for an assist very often. Armor Piercer is a wall-bounce which could easily lead into Satellite Laser or more time to make the ground a mine field for the opponent.

I use Taskmaster’s Vertical Arrows to deal with flying characters and that works out. Just need to invest some time into different options I guess.

Yeah I took a look at H shot and might reconsider it. It also works better with Sent.

My main problem is that Chris can do a lot of things with a standing opponent. Combination punches and flamethrower work very well in this regards. Flame thrower on an airborne opponent will begin to require Chris to do launcher -> S. From there it gets limited.

Yea like I said the combo/reset limitations are the only big downside, but my team setup is never at a loss for meter or damage so it hasn’t bothered me yet. The BnB results in only one super for Chris but since it builds close to two bars DHCs to Spencer and doesn’t use wall bounce there can be a proper Spencer followup (plus anchor assist if it wasn’t used yet) for more damage if needed.

Yeah, H. Shot is great for confirms too, out of cr.m > st.h. It’s tough finding an assist for the Chris/Sentinel shell that both benefits Chris a lot and works well with Sentinel. I think Magneto, Spencer and Nova work best with Drones, and Spencer’s assist benefit Chris the most out of the three. Disruptor can’t be used to combo and is hard to confirm off of but it’s really fast and gets opponents off of you. Tough choice for who to put in between Chris and Sentinel.

Opinions on Chris / Morridoom ?

It’s Chris on point with one of the best shells in the game behind him. Morrigan’s meter gain assist lets him build like eight meters in one combo for tons of Astral Visions and Missiles are Missiles. Not much to it.

Think it’s better to run the team on Shadow Blade though for those invincible Crossover counters that he will need.

Well it probably is better, I’ve never used Morrigan without randoming her. I’ve heard the assist is invincible anyway which is actually really helpful for Chris since it gives him a psuedo Lariat too so I guess that’s the better option.

My team Right now its Chris/Haggar/WeskerLow samurai shot :

I feel like I need a character to replace Wesker because I need someone with an GTFO Assist to improve the camping/neutral game of my team … a friend told me about Sentinel or Amaterasu. Any ideas of who’s better as an anchor and whos assist its better?

Edit Oh right!.. I was watching videos about BrunoWizard*Brazillian Chris/haggar/Strider … I notice that Vajra is such a troll assist, you can escape taking at least cheapdamage from chris guns/nades :S sooo… Who do you thing its a better choice as my anchor:

Amaterasu(Cold star)
Sentinel(Explosive Drones)

Out of those choices, I’d say Strider is the best since he covers the air game and you don’t need a get off/lock down assist if you already have Lariat.
Def watch Bruno’s matches and study what he does, I never really paid attention until recently but he is pretty great with that team.
Makes me reconsider Strider for an alternate team…

Gonna use Chris with IronMan and Dante.

Problem is I’m not sure what order to put the latter two in and what assist to use with Stark.

Do I go for the beam or Repulsor? Unibeam benefits dante more but repulsor is really similar to haggar assist that Chris likes so much.

It’s gonna be one of these:
Chris(Gun fire)/Dante(Jam)/IronMan(Repulsor)
Chris(landmine)/IronMan(unibeam)/Dante(Jam Session)